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About Me
Text Box 1
And other stuff..
Text Box 2
Text Goes Here :)
And awee thank you so much!
i deserved it maybe and thanx for making me realise that you actually were my best mate :s.
take care
god bless you always
please never stop[:
hey babbee!
would you do me a favor?
I have this story posted called 'Popular' and I could really use some feedback/faves? Whether your the popular girl everyone knows or the girl the always feels invisible, the story covers both sides(: and everyone can really relate somehow to it! If its to much to ask I totally understand and you can just go ahead and delete my comment if you want(: but if you have some time to check out the story you totally should! I think you'll like it(:
Have a good day beautiful!
Here's Chapter one: but If i hook you on the first chapter readd the otherrrssss!
Last day is Sept. 30th. :)
I am watching
Catching teardrops in my hands
Only silence as it's ending, like we never had a chance
Do you have to, make me feel like there is nothing left of me?
your voice is now my fav tune (L).
you are a great singer