I have always wanted to make a difference. Sometimes I wonder if I will make a huge difference one day.
November 14, 2011
Last Seen:
1 decade
user id:
If you are having trouble in any way,
bullying, cutting, depression, anxiety, suisidal thoughts, ANYTHING.
I promise you I will do my best to bring your smile back.
Tell me your stories and your problems.
Stay strong, stand tall, and keep fighting.
You are worth it.
omg! we have a lot in common? thats OMG ASDFHJKL YOUR CURSOR IS DOMO!!! sorry, got distracted! i just readf your profile. MY GOSH I LOVE SHINEE OMG KPOP<3 heheheh we do have a lot in common. kay, love you too.
Lol there's more. I've talked to a couple. I just don't remember them well. There's someone who's kinda witty famous who's asian. Something like Wittyquotesgirl? Idk.
OMG hiiiiiiiiiiii i haven't talked with you like foreverrrrrrrrr !
How are youu? do you still remember me? missed talking to you so much !How's everything going? :* ♥
Omg, I haven't talked to you in forever. HAAAAII. I missed you so much. Everything is great actually. Hows things for you? <3 Omg, I really missed you. :*
I'd like to be your friend c: and I would love to be somebody you trust and can vent to! You can find my facebook on my profile c: feel free to friend me.
Hello Beautiful!
If you ,
have an eatting disorder
dealing with bullying
or a bully
suicidal thought
family issues
or anxity.
Or even ANYTHING you wanna talk about or get off your chest
Im here for you.
thats what this account is for.
My goal in life is to save a life.
Stay Strong and Dream Big Beautiful!
bullying, cutting, depression, anxiety, suisidal thoughts, ANYTHING.
I promise you I will do my best to bring your smile back.
Tell me your stories and your problems.
Stay strong, stand tall, and keep fighting.
You are worth it.
How are youu? do you still remember me? missed talking to you so much !How's everything going? :* ♥
If you ,
have an eatting disorder
dealing with bullying
or a bully
suicidal thought
family issues
or anxity.
Or even ANYTHING you wanna talk about or get off your chest
Im here for you.
thats what this account is for.
My goal in life is to save a life.
Stay Strong and Dream Big Beautiful!