
Joined: August 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 202363
Live each day as its your last.  Yea that's my moral thing if you will call it.  The names Kimi. Last name not gonna say. never know who's out there with some free candy and a map. I blow dee air out of dee candles on dee 28 of dee month of dee october.  Well i'm probably not like all the other normal girls out there.  IM UNIQUELY UNIQUE.  i live for awkward moments and those days where you can just feel your six pack coming out of hibernation. :D I love smiley faces in texts, :):):):):) oh and hearts. <3<3<3 :D  If you are reading this, then THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. <3 follow me and i'll follow back. unless you seem kind... rapist-y to me, then nada nada. but i wuv you all anyways.   I love LOVE IS THE MOVEMENT. i think its such a great movement for helping people with depression, because I have a lot of friends and probably more than I know of, that cut. And I hate it. so if you do, please stop, I will be here for you, and I will talk to you as much as you need if you just need to let your mind of some things. Beause I know I sometimes do. well this is getting kinda long so.. BYE :)

Quotes by missindependent415


