May your hard times only last as long as a Taylor Swift relationship...
December 17, 2012
Last Seen:
1 decade
user id:
Gotham City, USA
great make me more depressed. thanks. -_- just when i thought i had a chance with 1D. btw i like the song 11:11 by austin. is that you or christa that likes him???
aww im srry. i can understand because my younger sister is a genius at science and math and i can barely spell my name and i always get compared to her. i bet you're really smart but just at other things like electronics or counting fingers. idk but i bet you are a very intelligent person. dont let her get you down. :)
Smile like you've never cried, fight like you've never lost, love like you've never been hurt, and live like you'll die tomorrow.--if you dont like my words, dont listen. if you dont like my apperence dont look. if you dont like my actions, turn your head. it's as simple as that.--I'll support you in a fight as long as you're fighting for something worth fighting for.--prepare for the worse and pray for the best