What I love about you
How you laugh fills up a room with mini beams of sunshine
The spontaneous kisses that always catch me by surprise
The smile you give me whenever I catch your eye across the room
When I hold your hand, I feel like I can do anything, as long as you’re there
The way I can tell you anything, and you’ll listen
I can trust you and I really hope you feel like you can trust me too
Your artistic view of the world, takes me on countless adventures
You are not afraid to cry and you don’t care if I am
You love me for who I am, not for the person everyone else wants me to be
and I promise I will love you for the person you want to be
One billion
Tonight one billion stars will sparkle against the dark velvet sky. One billion fireflies will dance silently around sleepy flowers. One billion wishes will be wished and one billion dreams, dreamed. One billion tiny fairy kisses will float onto your closed eyelids as you fall asleep to the sound of one billion tears falling to the ground
In the end
does it really matter who we love?
the love itself should be justification
love's beauty should not have to hide
just because we're a bit different
In the end
does it really matter what they say?
our love should be stronger than that
but what if they destroy that too?
just because we're a bit different
In the end
does it really matter if we loved each other?
they didn't care and they tore us apart
is it really worth it any more?
just because we're a bit different
In the end
did it really matter if we let go?
they never gave us a second thought
could we really just disappear?
just because we were a bit different
Is this the end?
You cry like the world is ending
but it's not
For us it is only the beginning
and I want to explore every inch of this uncharted world
with you
We can discover all its secrets
one adventure at a time
We'll watch the birth of stars
and the fall of heros
We'll dance on the shore
of the vast blue ocean
and run through fields of fluffy new snow
At night we will stare up at the ever changing sky
and dream of another tomorrow