
Joined: July 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
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Summer Lovin

rissarox125's Favorite Quotes

Okay so I know everyone does this, 
But I really, really need motivation from other people,
So, for every fave this gets I'll do 5 situps/abdominal move thingy,
And for every comment I'll do 5 minutes of cardio/leg workout stuff.

Please? I really need motivation :/
Rest in peace 

To all if the children who passed away in
Connecticut today their families will be in my prayers
and I hope they will somehow ble able to get throught the holiday season
when it's supposed to be a festive, happy time of year and they've faced tragedie.


you walked out of me life, I hate doing even  the  simplest  things.

hate hanging out with my friends because  I  know  that  if I still

had you,  that  would  be  us  spending time together. I hate long

 car rides  b e c a u s e  the one thing  that once made me tolerate 

them  was  texting  you  the  whole  way.  I  hate  that  moment

when I finish my homework & I'm bored, unsure  of  what  to  do

next  because  if  this  was  a  few  months  ago,  I wouldn't even

hesitate  to  pick  up  my  phone  &  dial your number, which I still

know by heart. I hate how simply living my life gives me constant

reminders that everything has changed just because you suddenly

m a waste of your time



^if you remember that you had an amazing child hood.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm tired."

T): Torn Apart
I): Insecure
R): Really faking my smile
E): Extremely Sad
D): Drowning in my tears
This quote does not exist.

Normal People: When I wake up the first thing that comes to my mind is you. <3
Me: When I wake up I think about peeing.

This quote does not exist.

I think I am...

I'm Regina.
Regina Anne Carter. 
I'm kind of a wh_re.
I turned 15 yesterday.
I have a boyfriend, but he's just a label.
His name's Josh Hunter.
I live with him because my parents died when I was 12.
Our parents were best friends. 
His parents don't know we're dating.
They would never let us have "sleepovers" in his room if they knew.
I guess I love him.
But like I said, he's just a label.
I sleep with about 4 guys a week. 
Josh doesn't know that.
I'm kind of popular.
I have loads of friends.
Thing is...
I think I am pregnant.

So, this is the new story. It's kind of slow, but wait for it.

"Once I was taking a shower and I heard a noise,
So I opened the curtains and there was Niall
Sitting on the toilet. He just said 'Hi'."
-Zayn Malik