Where did I go wrong, I lost a
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life How to Save a Life, The Fray<3
I remember that day very clearly, that day that you replaced me.
that day that you asked out one of my best friends
that day that she told me she loves you
that day that i cryed for 5 hours straight.
that day i told you i loved you.
that day that my life changed. i woke up and relized how much you ment to
for execute_the_angles contest.
(heartbreak catagory) FAVORITE&FOLLOWWW<3
Have you ever hatedsomebody so much that you wish they would
just leave and never come back but yet, loved them so much, you knew youd die if they
credit quote to whoeveeeer,
edit to mee thoughh(; FAVORITE&FOLLOWWW<3
calling someone fat doesn't make you
any thinner
calling someone ugly doesn't make
you prettier
ruining someone
else'slifedoesn't make
yours any better.
only the edits mine
its on here a few times so credit who
okay... so i was having a little talk with pinocchio the other day, and he told me to never tell a
lie. Now, everyone knows
that pinocchio knows quite a few things about lieing.
I dont want a big nose liek his.. it wouldnt go over very
well with others. So i must tell you.... Im secretly a ninja.
Today, I decided that everytime a person
walked by my vehicle I would turn on the lights and hide underneath
the dashboard to make them think my trucks a transformer. 3 people
screamed. I was