Format by Sandrasaurus
Format by Sandrasaurus
For anyone out there
whose ever had to;
*take care of a drunken parent
*let someone cry on your shoulder while you're about
to break down yourself
*hold in tears to be strong for someone
*raise themselves
*help someone put their life back together
*constantly listen to everyones problems
*keep every secret they've ever been told
*be kicked out of their house
*suffer through a divorce
*be the parent instead of the kid
This ones for
What I can't understand
Why do people feel the
need to post things with the "like
this", or "fave that"
or, "I need you to do
this" What happened to people being able to
like quotes for the minds
behind them?
Whats the point of being famous in a place
where we're all trying to be here for eachother? I understand
getting a fave is exciting. But most people get excited because
they want people to notice them or their quotes. Me? I just want
to know that I'm not the only one out here that feels the way
I do, and that somewhere, someone is feeling exactly
like I do.
That my friends,
what Witty is for. <3