
Joined: October 25, 2010
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 130302
Gender: F
Status Here (:

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Info Here 
hey guys, my names Kori, (:
I love listening to music.
I really am a nerd, and love to read.

I may be brunette, but I have my blonde moments.
I love that dumb Geico pig commercial.
I do believe chocolate can cure everything.
I love love love crescent moons. :)
My name spelled backwards is irok. (I rock)
Laughing is my favorite.
I am short.
:) :P :] :} 

Quotes by simplykori

"Titanic was called 'The Ship of Dreams';
and it was...
it really was."


"Mike Waszowski!"

you just said it in Boo's voice, didn't you? (:

 Format: twilightgirl995

Some may think it's dumb to cry over the loss of a dog. But in

the twelve years I've had with him, he's been more of a friend

than I can say for most people. He's laid his head on my lap

when I was sick or sad, and made sure I was loved always.

Saying goodbye was one of the hardest things I've ever done,

and he'll be in my heart always. ♥ RIP JOEY You're one hell of

a dog.


Format by Sandrasaurus

Some may think it's dumb to cry over the loss of a dog. But in

the twelve years I've had with him, he's been more of a friend

than I can say for most people. He's laid his head on my lap

when I was sick or sad, and made sure I was loved always.

Saying goodbye was one of the hardest things I've ever done,

and he'll be in my heart always. ♥ RIP JOEY You're one hell of

a dog.


Format by Sandrasaurus

I Just realized;

Louis Tomlinson and me are literally meant to be. Not because I'm a crazed fan, because I'm not. Because we have so much in common it's not even funny.


For anyone out there
whose ever had to;

*take care of a drunken parent
*let someone cry on your shoulder while you're about
to break down yourself
*hold in tears to be strong for someone
*raise themselves
*help someone put their life back together
*constantly listen to everyones problems
*keep every secret they've ever been told
*be kicked out of their house
*suffer through a divorce
*be the parent instead of the kid
This ones for you.


 "Hey kiddo, are you okay?"


  "Thats okay. I love you anyways."

Fave if you love your dad.<3


What I can't understand

Why do people feel the need to post things with the "like this", or "fave that" or, "I need you to do this" What happened to people being able to
like quotes for  the
minds behind them?
Whats the point of being famous in a place where we're all trying to be here for eachother? I understand getting a fave is exciting. But most people get excited because they want people to notice them or their quotes. Me? I just want to know that I'm not the only one out here that feels the way I do, and that somewhere, someone is feeling exactly like I do.
That my friends,

is what Witty is for. <3

And do you want to
know why we
put the wedding ring
on the left fourth finger?

Because it's the only
finger with a vein that leads
straight to our heart.


 This is my family.
  M:Me: "Hey grandma! I got a joke for you!"
Grandma: "Okay, what is it darling?"
Me: "Whats a golfer's favorite letter?"
Grandma: "...Four?"
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