<3 I love you so, so much <3
<3 Never forget you guys <3
No One will take away the love I have for all of you <3
A specially special 'I love you' to Travis, Zain, and Lori <3
You guys are my sexy hoes and no one elses :3
PLEASE: My wonderful cousin Alexa has a Snog. Do you mind snogging, marrying, or maybe following her? Maybe I'll make a Snog of my own :) Love you <3
(Her user name is LuckyBritches)
The last chapter of my recent story is up.
I'll be deleting the story in a few weeks.
I lost all my readers, but goodbye to the ones who are still there.
It's my birthday so leave feedback and faves?
Chapter 9 is uppp.
Chapter's up?(:
& y'all be some luck biiiiiiiiiiiitches cause my scrimmage got cancled last night and my tournament got cancled today cause of the snow, but I have another tomorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrow! pray with me it doesn't get cancled? (volleyball)
oh and i'd appriciate feedback, buuuut ya knowww..
please favorite and comment if you still read. </3
I'm really upset about losing you guys..
Well I don't know if you all saw my last post on you'alls walls, but if you did or didn't,
okay so I've posted three or four, (i forget) chapters of the story, and the past few I haven't notified, sorry... BUUUUUUUUUUT, you guys aren't reading or favoriting and I think you all left me. So if I don't get more faves on my previous/future chapters, than I will I WILL QUIT WRITING FOR GOOOD ON THIS ACCOUNT.
not even kidding. P.s, incase you didn't read my previous comment, I decided I missed you guys and came back earllie :pp, well this is a copy message, so you all will be reading the same thing so sorry if I didn't personalize it to answer any questions, but if you still have some please comment on my profile, not reply to this.
So, I reallly need you guys to favorite, I've been going through a lot and writing is my escape and well, when I don't get favorites and feedback it makes it worse.
Oh & I will post in a bit, I'll notify then too ;****
and about the fanfic .. lol. you'll just have to wait and see... ;)
It's a few weeks earlie, I know, but I couldn't contain my excitement, I haaad to write.
So chapter one of my new story is up. Feedback? (if you want off my notification list just tell mee)
it's a harry fanfic, please read & fav.
Comment to me if you want to be off my notifications list. But feedback and faves on the chapter? (:
JK y'all aren't b-words, lmaoo.
I'm writing a fan-fic with 1Dimaginettes with Katie on that account, and
this is the only notification for this group o' people, so she's doing notifications, and comment on the prologue for one. Mkay, thanks.