
Joined: May 28, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 177978
Can take the boy out of Bama; cant take Bama outta the boy.


soccerboy14's Favorite Quotes

imagine reading a book of every conversation

where people have s
poken about you.


I've got three little words I've been dying to tell you.
I dedicate too much of my summer to sports.
The past two days have been hell. Can we stop? Just slow down, please. I need to think, I need to breath. This is killing me, this will be the death of me. Please, just stop.

Keychains were invented so that you
can lose all of your keys at once
Raindrops may fall, but a rainbow comes after.
*My 4th grade class freaking out becuase i said freaking*
Class: Oooooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!!
*Kids now in 4th grade*
Kid: Fu.ckk this shiiit,i dont need school.
Class: *Keeps on doing work*
When i was little, i would always pray to God so i can throw up.

And now im like, WTF?

Being  Attrac tive   i sn't   an   excuse   to   be    a  
     a horrible person


Admit it ,
when you were younger you would bad mouth people,
but cry when they didn't invite you to their party