So I think I had an anxiety attack the other day. It really
scared me. Just all of a sudden I got really scared and started
hyperventilating, and everything was a mess; I couldn't think
straight. Today I had this feeling someone was behind me in my
room. I was terrified. I turned around and nothing was there. The
whole room just had this awful, evil energy about it for around
2-3mins. This has been happening a lot lately. Along with that, I
get extremely worried and anxious about everything. It happens
even when there's absolutely nothing to worry about. For example,
tonight at dinner I got really tense and nervous and anxious for
no reason. It's starting to worry me. I feel like I'm going
insane and if I tell people they'll call me crazy and that will
be the end of it. I just don't know what to think anymore.