
Joined: February 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 153066

Loving life!;D


Quotes by sophiebabe13

It takes two seconds to say 'hello' but it takes forever to say 'good-bye'




Good luck...
Trying to find best friends cause the best ones are all ready mine.

I love my friends <333
Annoying someone on purpose,
C a u s e   i t s   h i g h l y   a m u s i n g . 
Making stories up in your head, hoping someday that 'story' will come true<33 
The best revenge is to say nothing, move on and keep smiling:')

When a girl says no, a guy hears it as try again tomorrow.. 
We all want something. Maybe a new phone, new car or a new bike, but a person with Cancer only wants one thing... To survive. I know a lot of you wont repost this or fave this but if you care fave or repost in honour of people who are fighting or have died of Cancer. May Cancer be cured oneday.. 
He broke her heart,
So she broke his x-box,

Who do you think cried harder?
 Hey Mario, Remember me? I wasted my childhood saving your girlfriend....!