
Status: in love
Joined: March 9, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 352647
Gender: M

Quotes by sportynerdfreak

You and those little high wasted shorts.
i wanna i wanna i wanna touch you
you wanna touch me too
and there's no way out
i gotta hold you somehow.
its like wishing for rain as i standing in the desert.
You have learned to break the world that has tried to break you.
-Lev Grossman
All these relationships..
They wear you out
They tear you down.
But some of you still stand there firm,
With your feet still planted to the ground.
Sometimes it's okay to sit down.
I stopped cutting because I finally realized it hurt my family and friends more than it could ever hurt me.
A relationship is like a house; when a lightbulb blows out, you do not go and buy a new house. You FIX the lightbulb
Maybe Love is in New York City,
are in California, Australia,
wide awak
Maybe Love
is always in the wrong timezone.
Love is not ready for you.
Maybe you are not ready for Love.
Love just is not the marrying type.
Maybe the next time you see Love is twenty years after the divorce.
Love looks older now but just as beautiful as you remembered.
Love is only there for a month.
Maybe L
ove is there for every firework,
every b
irthday party,
every hospital visit.
ybe Love stays.
Maybe Love can't
be Love shouldn't. 
Love arrives exactly when Love is supposed to.
nd Love leaves exactly when Love must.
hen Love arrives,
say, "
Welcome, make yourself comfortable."
If Love leaves,
ask h
er to leave the door open behind her,
rn off the music,
listen t
o the quiet,
whisper, "Thank you for stopping by."
If I could give you anything in life, i would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. only then would you realize just how special you are to me.
i got up this morning and i had 46 notifications for one quote!