
Joined: August 24, 2011
Last Seen: 4 years
user id: 211375
Gender: F

ssalnck18's Favorite Quotes

there are certain people who touch my hair and im like what to heck get away from me and there’s others and im like yes i will fall asleep on u
okay so today I was at the mall and this girl walking in front of me and tripped and fell and instead of helping her up like a normal person would- I decided to make her feel less embarrassed and fall down too

but I guess another guy had the same idea because we fell at the same time

and then another person fell

and another

and suddenly I was lying in the middle of an impromptu fainting mob and a lot of people were shouting

and the girl who’d originally fallen looked so f/cking happy
True friends don’t judge each other.
They judge other people..
worst desion in my life, telling her to shut up when shes already mad. ya shes gone :(

Ironically one of the most
"jocked" quotes on Witty is quotes about jocked quotes.

If it's true that you are what you eat
I would totally eat Beyoncé.
By the time I die
I hope we have the technology to put gifs on gravestones.

Me: ~posts a quote when it's inactive~
Everyone on Witty: ~suddenly logs in and posts 563 quotes a second after me so my quote gets pushed to page 103 on the Newest page~

best threesome ever:
me. my bed. my pillow.


Talking to this guy who WON'T leave me alone.


So, what are you going to major in?see
Well, you see... I'm not planning on going to college. I want to be one of those people who live with their parents until they are around 30. Yeah. That's what I'll do. Then I'm going to find myself an apartment and just live there. Probably get some cats. I'd like a lot of them. Maybe around 20? I'm not for sure yet, it all depends on the size of my little apartment. Then, I might get a part time job at Wal-Mart. The ultimate dream would be to hand out the stickers and sit on the stools at the front of the store! What about you?

No response. Thank God. ;)