
Joined: June 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 182595
hey im ally. im pretty new to witty but i think its amazing.
if you like my quotes please favorite them! and if you follow me i will follow you back! & if you need any help or advice feel free to leave a comment!
thanks for reading!

Quotes by summerlovesee

& we texted all day

don't you know
your beautiful


from teenwolf is so cute



do the easy girls get all the guys?

You dont even know me
so stop talking about me

that awkward moment
when your in public and you see someone from your school, so you try to hid your face but end up looking like a total idiot..

the lingering question kept me up 2am who do you love?


i hate how guys can make you feel like an idiot..
just by not answering you

my little cousin told me i was going to marry my bed when i got older
my response?
i agreed and said i sleep with him every night


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