i have to tell someone but no one else really cares so hi matty <3 i dont even know what i want to say but i guess im like officially over dane(???) exactly 6 months later lol im pathetic :-))))))))))) but yeah i was going through our fb messages to find a song he told me about a while ago which i couldnt find anyways, but yeah i was like reading them and i mean i didnt feel anything at all. idk, but yeah, i just deleted like everything from my emails and fb and stuff from him. i feel like a kinda just noticed how big of an he was too like holy . but anyways yeah, i mean obviously im always going to be upset bc like you know everything, but no im so sure im over him. anyways yeah i got a ride home today from a cute boy but he has a tiny lisp. anyways idc bby i miss you :) and i feel really happy right now like idk its like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. this is great wow bye matteo ill talk to you soon :)
WE CAN GO ON A ROADTRIP TOGETHER ONE SUMMER OHMYGOSH CAN WE?! & aw matty you're so cute thank you <3 i already found some cute cheap prom dresses im excited to go try them on and all that girlie stuff! :) ah well, we'll see what happens. But how are you? are you in school? school's lame. i have a college fair soon which is actually frightening. oh my, oh my, dear, this can't be good. i never want to grow up. take me back to the days of swings and sunshine. not dusty dorms and tedious books. :(
haha, sometime in april or may or something i don't know. But okay, you're totalllyyy on. maybe i'll just take you to prom, I can bring my laptop with me and like skype you or something. once you're the best you can be and we can both drive we're seeing eachother halfway. that sounds weird but you know what, deal with it :p
babyyy i missed you being online, darn that breaks my heart :/ but i'm hardly going to be on either now, I'm overloaded with school work right now. I just want to let someone know, I prayed today for the first time in forever. Mainly for me friend that's down a bad path, my family, people at school, and I had you greatly in mind.:) Lol, who would ever want to date me, ew. Prom is this year, $10 I won't be asked. Greece was great though, I miss my family there but it's alright. But I'm sososooo glad to hear you're better! Especially your progress is great to hear about, makes me happy. you're so strong, aw. love you matty, talk to you very soon okay <3 ( I also hope you get your phone usage back soon, like that would be awesome :P )
aw that sucks, but if it helps thats good :) & I'm good, the usual. Boys suck, girls are annoying, school was boring, summer is like waaayyy too hot right now. I'm actually in Greece to visit my grandparents until the end of the summer which is cool, i came alone which was scary. it's soooo hot, but also cool i get to do pretty much whatever i want. I can flirt with all the greek hotties with swimmer bodies which is fun ;) yeah, that's about it. How are you though?! I'm extremely overly happy that you're okay and getting better. I hope your doctors aren't stinky and old and weird, that would suck. But yeah, if you need anything i'll be here to help! :)
So it's like 4am, and I can't sleep, so I decided to read my quotes bc I'm lame like that. & I was all like :( bc I found a bunch of cute old stuff from Dane and yeah, but that's over, anyways then I found this and now I can't stop smiling http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/4968978 and you're honestly crazy but you're so amazing
It's funny because I actually was thinking about your facebook today, and I was like aw matt :( That's why I logged onto witty again, and now you just made me really happy :)
I'm like so mad at you.
Not really, I love you omg hi
How are you? You know you are going to obviously tell me everything..
But I can't find you on Facebook, add me :) you know my name
We started talking at the end of December.
Middle of February and we're already best friends.
We're the freakiest pair of people I've ever heard of,
and I love it. You're so adorable, and the funniest person
I've talked too. You're so great and I'm so glad I
messaged you in December. You're always there for me,
and you've helped me with life so much. I'll always be
there for you, anytime you need me, and don't forget it.
I'm so lucky that we became such close friends. We're the
funniest people when we talk, honestly. We're comedians.
I never want to lose you best friend, I love you. I'd be lost without you, I'd have no idea what to do ha. ♥
^ aw, my quote about you. It's still as true to this day as it was back then.
Matt, I miss you.
I was just going onto my Facebook friends list to delete people, and the first name I saw was yours.
Haha, remember when you had your name as Matt Megan Gouros, and people thought you were my brother?
And when you put my ringtone as a cow mooing for when I text you?
And one day when you texted me how far someplace was to where I live, and you might have come seen me, but couldn't?
And how I'd always talk to you about Dane, and how we said you'd be at my wedding with him.
And the time when he cheated, and I vented to you forever and you bitched him out just because you cared so much and it made me smile?
And how I thought it was cute that you two became friends?
And the time I was on your profile and I made fun of you because it said you liked the page, "Sliding your into someone's mouth as they yawn?"
And how we both made quotes about each other.
And when I spammed you with funny Hunger Games pictures when you were offline because we both loved the book/movie?
And how I was always there for you to vent to me, and you were always there for me to vent to you?
And we were best friends, and all these other small little things that I remember just from talking to you that I hope you remember too?
Come back, Matteo. I need my best friend, I miss you a lot.
Your status thing saying you quit at life scares me, I just keep thinking you killed yourself and you're never going to see these posts, and I just really hope one day you log on and see them and remember me.
You are one of the best people I have ever met in my life. Please log on soon!
I'm like so mad at you.
Not really, I love you omg hi
How are you? You know you are going to obviously tell me everything..
But I can't find you on Facebook, add me :) you know my name
Middle of February and we're already best friends.
We're the freakiest pair of people I've ever heard of,
and I love it. You're so adorable, and the funniest person
I've talked too. You're so great and I'm so glad I
messaged you in December. You're always there for me,
and you've helped me with life so much. I'll always be
there for you, anytime you need me, and don't forget it.
I'm so lucky that we became such close friends. We're the
funniest people when we talk, honestly. We're comedians.
I never want to lose you best friend, I love you. I'd be lost without you, I'd have no idea what to do ha. ♥
^ aw, my quote about you. It's still as true to this day as it was back then.
I was just going onto my Facebook friends list to delete people, and the first name I saw was yours.
Haha, remember when you had your name as Matt Megan Gouros, and people thought you were my brother?
And when you put my ringtone as a cow mooing for when I text you?
And one day when you texted me how far someplace was to where I live, and you might have come seen me, but couldn't?
And how I'd always talk to you about Dane, and how we said you'd be at my wedding with him.
And the time when he cheated, and I vented to you forever and you bitched him out just because you cared so much and it made me smile?
And how I thought it was cute that you two became friends?
And the time I was on your profile and I made fun of you because it said you liked the page, "Sliding your into someone's mouth as they yawn?"
And how we both made quotes about each other.
And when I spammed you with funny Hunger Games pictures when you were offline because we both loved the book/movie?
And how I was always there for you to vent to me, and you were always there for me to vent to you?
And we were best friends, and all these other small little things that I remember just from talking to you that I hope you remember too?
Come back, Matteo. I need my best friend, I miss you a lot.
Your status thing saying you quit at life scares me, I just keep thinking you killed yourself and you're never going to see these posts, and I just really hope one day you log on and see them and remember me.
You are one of the best people I have ever met in my life. Please log on soon!
Nobody gives a damn.
Nobody's worth it."
Come back on plz