Heyyyy, how are you?! Did something happen between you n Jake? Everytime I mention you he says he doesn't want to talk about it. Whatever happened, it'll be okay. My first time online since 9 months ago omfg. I hope you're not angry at me or anything but I miss you. Xoxoxox
ok, so I've decided that since i have THREEE tickets to the concert, and my bro gets one, i get one, and have on for a friend, but none of my friends like them, you are getting a flight to manchester and coming with me!
haha, i'm not sad, but i'm kida upset that my sister broke her ankle today. :/
i thought you said you were sad.
whoops, guess not. :D
you'll think of one.
think, abby, think!(;
aww, i sowwie. ):
i lost a dog and a bunny once, so i know what it's like to loose a pet.
and, uh, someone here never texted me back. *cough cough* abby *cough cough*
it's sent from my sister's school email, because i don't have one, lol. but i sent it.(:
*cough* abby *cough*
how did you stay up so long? lol
you're mean. D':
haha, well, now i know(:
i did text you bak, i thought you fell asleep.
you didn't see my question? :o
that was a good question.
i thought you said you were sad.
whoops, guess not. :D
you'll think of one.
think, abby, think!(;
aww, i sowwie. ):
i lost a dog and a bunny once, so i know what it's like to loose a pet.
me too, haha.
aww, why is abby dabby sad? :o