Hey . Um No; I DOnt Have Wifi At My House.. And Its Like Horrible Im Gonna Cry; Well I Love Yoiu ANd Miss You Like Crazy Its Not Funny ;-* I Love You Baby
Heey wittians,
Laura here! I have another account, but a few months ago I saw people were trying to get nevercutyourbeautiful on ellen, and all of a sudden it stopped, I'm here to start it up again, she deserves it, and we need this to happen, dont hate on this account.
To send ellen a email , go here :
It does suck . And last might at this football game they BOTH ignoed me . So I got a group of friends , And I told them all what happened and stuff . They dont really like them anymore . They BOTH changed . And lemme tell ya , Im about to be DONE with them both .
The new challenge is:
Have you ever been bullied? If you have write a quote explaining youre bullying story, and if You havnt, or maybe youve been the bully, explain how bullying is important to stop,and why. when youre done, post the link to my profile, and ill post it to my profile.(:
Lets try and stop bullying together, Spread the word(:
and make sure at the bottem of youre quote you include.
This is nevercutyourbeautiful's challenge. Go talk to her to take it(:
I want as many people to know as possible. so we can try and improve witty(:
Laura here! I have another account, but a few months ago I saw people were trying to get nevercutyourbeautiful on ellen, and all of a sudden it stopped, I'm here to start it up again, she deserves it, and we need this to happen, dont hate on this account.
To send ellen a email , go here :
But BEFORE you do, PLEASE show it to me first. :)
Thank you ,
Laura and M
The new challenge is:
Have you ever been bullied? If you have write a quote explaining youre bullying story, and if You havnt, or maybe youve been the bully, explain how bullying is important to stop,and why. when youre done, post the link to my profile, and ill post it to my profile.(:
Lets try and stop bullying together, Spread the word(:
and make sure at the bottem of youre quote you include.
This is nevercutyourbeautiful's challenge. Go talk to her to take it(:
I want as many people to know as possible. so we can try and improve witty(: