
Joined: March 31, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 161965

remember: you are beautiful< 3

Quotes by warner101

Despite everything you have taught me many lessons...

you have taught me to not let anyone push me around
by being the one that was constantly pushing.

you have taught me that i know myself the best
by making all the wrong decisions for me, when i knew they were wrong.
you have taught me that everyone has flaws
by pointing out mine, constantly.
you have taught me that i have to fight for what i truly want
by being the one that that i was constantly fighting.
you have taught me to expect the least of the ones that i should expect the most of
by acting the way you do even though you are my mother.

you have taught me that unconditional love does exsist
by somehow being someone that i will do anything for.
I do this thing where I push people.
I push people away.
I push people away that do not derseve to be pushed.
I push them away so I can forget about what happened.
So I do not have to acknowledge it.
I push and push until they are gone.
But deep down, I did not forget & I do acknowledge it.
I beat myself up about it.
It eats me from the inside out.
I have no one to help me with it
because I pushed them all away.
I want someone to stay.
I want someone to see through the pushing. 
I want someone to look at me and say "I know you are not okay,
so do not push me away,.  I want to help you."
I just want someone that will push me back.
Push me forward and stay with me.
But that is a lot to ask.


Can’t you see how much I want you by the way I push you away.

Don't Judge My Choices...
if you don't understand my reasons.

What would you attempt if you knew you couldn't fail?

If you want to walk out of my life, I’ll hold the door for you.

In 20 years, you will be more disappointed by what you didn't do
than by what you did ~ Mark Twain


I do this thing where I push people.
I push people away.
I push people away that do not derseve to be pushed.
I push them away so I can forget about what happened.
So I do not have to acknowledge it.
I push and push until they are gone.
But deep down, I did not forget & I do acknowledge it.
I beat myself up about it.
It eats me from the inside out.
I have no one to help me with it
because I pushed them all away.
I want someone to stay.
I want someone to see through the pushing. 
I want someone to look at me and say "I know you are not okay,
so do not push me away,.  I want to help you."
I just want someone that will push me back.
Push me forward and stay with me.
But that is a lot to ask.


If easily offended do not read
I think people who commit suicide are jokes.  I think that it is cowardly and selfish.  Before you judge me, hear me out.  Today, I walked into a school that is dealing with its fifth suicide in a year and a halfFifth suicide.  Five lives were taken, fives different families never getting their loved ones back and five circles of friends that lost someone that can never be replaced.  And all of these people will blame themselves for it all.  “I could have talked to them that day.”  “I should have known.” “It is all my fault.”  They will beat themselves up, repeatedly.  They will cry for hours and hours.  The pain will not subside for months and even then they can still feel the missing place in their hearts.  But where are the ones that caused all this pain?  They left their loved ones.  They left them with so much pain.  A mother who lost her son.  A brother who lost his little sister.  A best friend who lost their second half.  It is so unbelievably selfish.  And it never ends.  My school is breaking down, piece by piece.  Everyone is affected by it, even if they never knew them.  I walk into school everyday wondering who is next.  What grade is going to suffer the most?  Almost pleading that it is not mine because I don’t know how much more we can take.  It is getting ridiculous.  No one deserves to go through that pain.  I want to shake every student in my school and tell them not to leave.  Do not leave your loved ones.  Do not let them blame themselves for such a stupid mistake.  Do not be so selfish
Push through itBecause guess what?  You wouldn’t f*cking be here if you could survive it. 


I wish I could have said goodbye.