I'd rather be alone, Than put you on a throne.
Sophie | | Bored With Life
[+] My Family | My Friends | PJO | Music | Pierce the Veil | Black Veil Brides | Drawing | My Chemical Romance | My Laptop | Winter |Bring Me The Horizon | The Moon | Deer | Autumn | My IPod | Avril Lavigne | The Ocean | Panic! At the Disco | Tumblr | Sleeping | Paramore | Anything That's Blue | Athletics | Reading | Crown the Empire | Rick Riordan | The Hunger Games | Suzanne Collins | Jeniffer Lawrence | Taylor Swift | Harry Potter | Rain | Making People Laugh | Football | Taking Photos | Coldplay | Green Day | Anywhere with WiFi | All Time Low | Black | Witty Profiles | Memphis May Fire | Being Lazy | Happiness | Stars | The Countryside | Tranquility | Blue | Being Able to Bring Joy | Snow | Confusing People | Inspiring Speeches | Love| Ed Sheeran | Skulduggery Pleasant | Humour|
[-] War | Seeing People In Pain | Prejudice | Anything That Interrupts My Sleep | School | Lies | Accusation | Labels | People Who Purposely Try To Wind Me Up | Bullies | Losing Stuff| Hypocrisy | Teasing | Pink |
You do realise I still remeber you, right?
Im not sure how to reply...
I miss u
Have u moved houses yet pleas say no
I hope u reply
Sorry, feeling down today. I'm getting a little deep here aren't I.
Yeah, I miss you too. So how are nowadays.
And no, I haven't moved yet. Seems like we're staying here for a while.I don't know whether to be joyed or annoyed since it's taking way too long.
please reply
sorry i seem so desperate
Yeah, I'm fine too. Thanks for asking. How everything at school. I mean seriously. At mine it's different without you. Or Tabassum, or Hanifa. I miss you all a lot. Oh that reminds me. Have you talked to any other old friends of yours lately. And what's your phone number. I wanna talk to you daily. Since I have a lot to say and I am not bothered to type so much to last you a few days to reply.
Okay yeah. This comment is
Damn this comment is long. Actually it's not finished so like yeah. I'm gonna stop now....
That's really nice of you.
I nearly died from laughter.
I adore percy jackson too haha :)
that is so nice of you.
They truly are amazing, and I'm not just being nice.
*Shoves a jar that looks suspiciously like your Nutella behind my back*
Nope, no Nutella, not at all, ever.
Pure talent.
And the youtubers that I like are just normal people.
*Cough danisnotonfire
and AmazingPhil
and ItsWayPastMyBedTime
and Emma Blackery
and IISuperomanII Cough*
I'm not going to bother to name them all but yeah, just people.
Who's ambi?
Soo confused
From seven mills.
Year 6 now.
Ring a bell?
how does she know about it?
who told her?
how does she know your on witty?
how did she find you on witty?
why am i asking soo many questions
it was so awkward when we met
Miss you too!
Yeah, it was.
Oh yeah, and no. I don't know why you are asking so many questions.
Yeah, whatever. suits you.
Tanya burr
Those are at the top of my head atm.
No one will really be able to replace you-so don't worry.