hey there, i'm emily.
i blow out my candles on december 12th.
i just turned 13(:
i am in 8th grade.
have alot of amazing friends suchh as:
corinna, sofia, stephh, tijana, lindsay.
i love taylor swift - she gets me through everyday.
i know all the songs to her 'speak now' album.
i love:
the snow.
baby blue.
neon colors.
the smell of winter.
wavy hair.
short ripped denim.
my ipod.
christmas lights.
i love* the feeling of accomplishment. the feeling of hitting a high note i never thought i would hit before when im singing. its hard to describe but its like making your first 3 pointer in basketball, or having your first kiss. it just feels unbelieveable.
i hate*:
annoying, pointless things.
people who think they are 'all that'
people who reply with 'k'
my family - sometimes.
scary things.
waking up in the middle of an amazing dream.
chipped nails, or nails without anything on them.
my dream is to be kissed in the pouring rain, or snow(:
^my tumblr. follow if u wanttt, and ill follow backk(:
Forever Is a
Long Time..
I woke up in a bed I haven't slept in, in
nearly a month. It was scary at first because I didn't
realize where I was, but then I remembered I left my sister to
come back to Miami. I slowly got out of bed and made my way to my
closet. My mom wasn't home, I couldn't hear the
coffee brewing in the kitchen. I figured she went out somewhere,
but I'm not sure where. I shrugged and pulled out a romper
with a oversized white cardigan and some brown gladiators. I got
dressed, did my make-up which consisted of just some powder,
eyeliner, and mascara, and I just scrunched my hair into my
perfect beachy waves, and softly toutched my anchor necklace that
lays on my neck perfectly. My father gave me this just about a
year ago when he was diagnosed with cancer. I wear it everyday
because it has always reminded me of him and I feel safe where
ever I go because I know he is always with me. I clumped down the
stairs and made myself a bowl of cereal and turned on the news.
6:57. The sun was still rising, I took a peak out the window onto
the beach right outside of my house. Beautiful. I missed it here,
a lot.
I finished my cereal and picked up my bag for school. I started
to walk towards my car, but I got a text from my friend Mia
Mia: Need a ride?! I'm heading your wayy
I really was fine driving but I haven't seen Mia in a while
so I was excited when I saw her name light up on my screen.
Me: Yeah sure! I haven't seen you in forever
Mia: OMG I know! You disappeared to Rhode Island
over the summer! I bet you've changed so much!
Ohh right, I forgot to tell Mia about my 'change' I doubt
she will even recognize me. At this point, I really didn't
care. I just didn't want to see everyone at school today
stare at me and whisper and says things like 'oh my gosh is
that really Lucy?' I'm just not in the mood. I didn't
know what to say to Mia so I just said..
Me: You'll be surprised aha
She replied in a heartbeat.
Mia: Turning onto your street now(: I'll
Me: Haha okay, I'll run out!
I quickly ran inside and got some money for lunch today, and my
student ID. I took a glance at what I looked like last year
and threw it in my bag with discust. All of a sudden I heard a
horn beep and stormed out of the house grabbing my keys.
If you want to see Lucy's first day of school outfit click
Forever Is a
Long Time..
I was a totally different person. I lost 62
pounds, I was very slim and tan. My blue eyes popped out against
my tan skin. My long black hair was about down to my belly button
and my hair had that beachy wave affect. My lashes were naturally
long and perfect. I didn't even recognize myself. I just
don't want to go back into high school. I'm afraid of
what people would say, or think when they saw me. I'm very
self conscious and care way to much about what people say.
It's crazy, I know but I've been hiding away all summer
in Rhode Island, where my older sister Ella lives. Not everything
is perfect though. My father passed away just three month ago,
right before school was let out. It is still a very touchy
subject for me and hard to talk about. It still affects my family
and I in many ways. I haven't talked to my mom in about a
month, I spent my whole summer with my sister because my mom just
needed time and because my sister is in college and I don't
see her often I have nobody. My mom bairly talks to me and is
still grieving over my fathers death and everyday is a
Oh, I'm sorry. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lucy,
Lucy Street and this is me..
Forever Is a Long
The cool air blows through my hair and whips it
across my face. Chills start to tingle up my spine, causing
me to shiver a little. I shift myself under the tall oak
tree in my backyard. The sun is setting and tomorrow is the first
day of junior year. I'm soaking in the rest of summer, trying
to grasp how fast it went by. The sunset is beautiful. Colors of
purple, blue, pink, and yellow cause my eyes to fall into a
trance. I start to relax, melting into the heart of the tree. I
don't want to go back. I just wish everything would stop,
that I could just freeze this moment forever and have it stay
like this. I could just sit here for hours to ask the question,
is everything here make believe? But, I know the world isn't
just going to stop for me. I changed this summer, a lot.
Physically and emotionally. In sophomore year I use to be the
freaky nerd girl that had glasses, acne, a terrible sense of
style, was a little on the heavier side, and had
no voice. I was tired of being passed in the halls and
ignored, being told that I didn't have a choice in of
what I wanted to do in my life. I wanted to
change all of that, and summer was when all of this happened. I
have transformed, completely. I look nothing like before.
I should be ecstatic, but I'm not. Something has got me
holding onto nothing...
C U Next
Tuesday, Ke$ha
*Boy and Girl are walking around
the mall*
Girl: Hey, do you think that girl is pretty? I do!
*Points out pretty girl*
Boy: She’s alright.
Girl: Oh… Okay, how about that one? Shes
really pretty!
*Points out another girl*
Boy: Haha, that girl’s not pretty or ugly.
She’s average.
Girl: Oh… you have really high
Boy: I guess you can say that.
Girl: Okay, fine. Once you see one, point her
Boy: Haha, alright.
*Boy and Girl walk around some more*
Boy: OH! I found one!
Girl: Really?! Where?!
*Boy puts arm around Girl’s shoulder*
Boy: Right here.
mine, tumbr(:
girl: your new girlfriend is pretty. (i bet she stole your heart)
boy: yeah, she is. (but you’re still the most beautiful girl i know)
girl: i heard she’s funny & amazing. (all the stuff i wasn’t)
boy: she sure is. (but she’s nothing compared to you)
girl: i bet you know everything about her by now (like how you knew just about everything about me)
boy: only the stuff that count (i can’t even remember the stuff she tells me when i think of you)
girl: well, I hope you guys last. (because we never did)
boy: i hope we do too. (whatever happened to me & you?)
girl: well i got to go. (before i start to cry)
boy: yeah me too. (i hope you don’t cry)
girl: bye. (i still love you)
boy: later. (i never stopped)