
Joined: February 2, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 65903



Emilie Hacking!♥

Hey y'all. Emilie hurrrr. Wow, I'm so cool. ANYWAY. You've come across the Witty page of a miss Liv Rae D____. Well, obviously you've come across it, she's so Witty famous, everyone's seen her page. But that's not the point. The point is, Liv is my one of my best friends in the whole wide world. She's so amazing. She doesn't see it but she is. So many people hate her but she's absolutely flawless. In the eyes of her husband, anyway. (Oh yeah, I'm Liv's husband. Just because I have a vagina doesn't mean I can't be a husband…) On 11.11.11, I proposed to her, and we're going to have the Wedding in June. It's a private wedding, sorry, you're not invited. She's my Witty Best Friend, but I don't feel right putting the "witty" in front, because honestly, we're closer than the average internet friends. We know everything about each other, lawls. She's mad cuz I'm cheating on her with Harry Styles &my other boyfriend, but she should know I love her most. She drove eight hours to see me… and a bunch of other people but I mean still. I'm her favorite<3 She's driving another eight hours to see me in June. And she's staying at my house for seven whole days. y0u w!$h y0u w3r3 m3. Kidding(: I call Liv, Liver and she calls me Emers. Woohoooo. Did you know that she's black? Jk, she's not black. Which means she can't listen to Mac Miller!!! Cuz that's just too black for Liv. When she comes in June, I'm pretty sure she's planning on slapping my ex-boyfriend, even though he's my boyfriend again. It'll be funny anyway. If you're reading this &you're not one of the 3800+ people following Liv, you should start following her. Okay? Okay good. Love you Liv, you're my wife, my best friend, my sister, all that jaazzz. And I love you, whoever you are reading this:) xoxox


Quote Comments by xoalicecullenxo

xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5204478
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when i'm 70, my mom will be 107 o.0
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #4762360
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&you are gorgeous without it &hearts;
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5206475
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i love you tooo! ♥
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5197743
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english, math, public speaking, world history, & physics...
but i talk in spanish, theatre, & gym. so whatever.
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5175691
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awwh iknow! we were married before we even met ♥ ;)
by the way, our marriage is kinda effed up. we were fb married before we were engaged. then you proposed to me, & you wear a ring too even though you're the guy in our relationship. & even though we're kinda married we're having the wedding in june... it makes no sense but our love story is awesome lmfaoao & i love you &hearts; mwahaha you're in school & i'm on feb break :D kpce
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5195752
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the eiffel tower is a landmark
now it's a landshark &hearts;
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5193176
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5123204
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holy nuggets? lmfao
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5117686
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lmfao! yes we will, husband ♥
i love youu toooo bestfriend ♥
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5117686
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Yes. My life is weird, I know
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5070664
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stop making quotes about me, goshhhhhh
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5092910
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awwh thankyou so much! &hearts;
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5101662
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didn't jayciecutie01 make this a quote?
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5099259
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don't. you have so much to live for you & are beautiful inside & out. once you live your life, you have forever to be dead, so don't wish it all away because it gets better. i promise. ♥
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5095570
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of course &hearts;
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5091304
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You're quite rude & I don't believe you are in the position to be criticizing anyone when you have misspelled "California" in your username. Fail.
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5086977
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We are all ladies of the night. If not on the outside, everyone is one in their mind.
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5095638
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5089372
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:o omg this guy is amazing
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xoalicecullenxo 1 decade ago on quote #5093911
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My life summed up in one single quote
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