
Joined: April 16, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 292747
The name's Hope :) As you can see, I'm a Directioner...Niall Horan is my favorite!! I know most of you guys are probably tired of all of the One Direction stuff on here, but I'm here so you just have to deal with it!

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else."
                                                                        --One Direction

baby, you light up my world like nobody else

Quotes by xoxo_1D



ONE DIRECTION FAN-FIC CHARACTER PROFILE!!!!!! Abby (Abigail) is Zayn's girfriend for a while, but things don't work out for them, so she get's together with Liam :) 
She has dark brown/ black hair, and big green eyes. She's an average height, but a little more towards the tall side. She likes to dress up, so she's always really fashionable, but everything she wears is usually practical.
And remember, even if you don't get chosen, you're ALL beautiful! You just might not be what I had in mind for this particular character!
- xoxo_1D

Did you know?
One Direction was originally going to be called Status Single.

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Abby (Abigail) is Zayn's girfriend for a while, but things don't work out for them, so she get's together with Liam :) 
She has dark brown/ black hair, and big green eyes. She's an average height, but a little more towards the tall side. She likes to dress up, so she's always really fashionable, but everything she wears is usually practical.
And remember, even if you don't get chosen, you're ALL beautiful! You just might not be what I had in mind for this particular character!
- xoxo_1D



Omigosh! I haven't been on this account in a really long time! But I just wanted to let you know that I AM still gonna write my One Direction Fan-fic, Gotta be You!  I just have to post a few more character profiles, then the actual story will start! Sooo yeah!
- xoxo_1D



Samantha is Harry's girlfriend, and maybe something more...Samantha Styles *cough cough* :0 Heehee anywayyyz Samantha has straight caramel colored hair, and her eyes are kind of blue/green/brown. She has a tiny bit of freckles. She is medium height and pretty thin. At first when she meets Harry, she is annoyed by him, and thinks he is jusut a washed up pop-star. But later she finds out that he is so much more :) She's really causual. Usually she just wears a pair of jean shorts and a tank top.
Sorry ladies! This one was just to letcha know about Samantha! She has already been chosen and will be revealed later!
- xoxo_1D



Lea is Niall's girlfriend for a while, but things don't work out. But she later starts dating Zayn, and thing are better for her. Lea has a very unique style. Her hair is brown, with multi-colored streaks in it, and her usual outfit is faded jeans, combat boots, a colorful tee-shirt, and a dark jean jacket. Although she doesn't sem like the type, Lea is a huge 1D fan, but she can be serious around the band too. 
Comment if you'd like to be Lea!
Remember, don't feel bad if you aren't chosen! You're all beautiful, you just might not be what I had in mind for a certain character! Also, you can comment for a notification about the next character profile, but make sure you tell me it's a notification request, because I might think you want to be the character even if you dont't! <3
- xoxo_1D

me: *talking to friend on the phone*
friend: I'm watching a One Direction video!
me: Ooh cool which one?
friend: That is a sexy hand...
me: -_- I'm sure is is.




So, I 'm gonna be writing a One Direction fan-fic called Gotta Be You! I'm gonna put a  little bit about each character I need for the story and you can see if you fit in for the  person!  If you want to be  one of the girls in my story, comment on the quote about her! Sure, you can fave it if you want, but you're not gonna have any chance of being the person! You need to comment! Then I'll look through all of the comments, check out your profiles, and choose! Once I choose all of the characters, I'll put a quote up about who's who! But I'm also gonna put them on my profile, so if for some reason you can't find the quote, just check my profile! So, this is just to explain  about the character picking process, but I 'll try to have the first character up tonight! Comment on this quote if  you want to be notified when the first character is up!
- xoxo_1D

when you really have to go to the bathroom, but your pants are like "I refuse to let you unbutton me!"
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I've gotten so many faves on that 1D quote that I can't get back to all of you! I'll try my best but most of you probably won't get an answer...Love you all! Xoxo!

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