Hey, I'm Chelsea and I'm 14 years young. None of the quote formats I use are mine, I just forget to put nmf on the bottom of my quotes a lot so yeah. I am a major Directioner as you can tell by my profile. I also am a major Swiftie and Belieber. Don't insult any of the boys from One Direction or Justin Bieber cause I will hunt you down and you will die a slow and painful death jk. I'm single and loving life. I blow out the candles on June 19th and I think I've finally convinced my brother to make a witty :) I play soccer and softball. One Direction&&Justin Bieber are my life<3 Like legit. I love them so much and Niall is my future husband. I love to write poetry but I never show it to anybody. My three witty BEST FRIENDS are lalabuddynumber1, akk3165 and MyNameIsMaicy you should go follow them cause they're absolutely amazing and completely and utterly GORGEOUS!! Alrightyy well don't forget that all of you are completely beautiful<3 BYEE<3 LOVE YOU ALL<3