
Joined: October 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: June 19
user id: 226993
Location: Coventry, RI
Gender: F

Hey, I'm Chelsea and I'm 14 years young. None of the quote formats I use are mine, I just forget to put nmf on the bottom of my quotes a lot so yeah. I am a major Directioner as you can tell by my profile. I also am a major Swiftie and Belieber. Don't insult any of the boys from One Direction or Justin Bieber cause I will hunt you down and you will die a slow and painful death jk. I'm single and loving life. I blow out the candles on June 19th and I think I've finally convinced my brother to make a witty :) I play soccer and softball. One Direction&&Justin Bieber are my life<3 Like legit. I love them so much and Niall is my future husband. I love to write poetry but I never show it to anybody. My three witty BEST FRIENDS are lalabuddynumber1, akk3165 and MyNameIsMaicy you should go follow them cause they're absolutely amazing and completely and utterly GORGEOUS!! Alrightyy well don't forget that all of you are completely beautiful<3 BYEE<3 LOVE YOU ALL<3
One Direction Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Quotes by xoxosoccerchickaxoxo

I had to wear my wellness uniform(we don't change for p.e.) which is baggy sweatpants and a t-shirt. I was cold so I had on one of the uniform sweatpants, today HE told me that I looked gorgeous in my baggy sweatpants and sweatshirt<3


Format by Sandrasaurus

I'm the type of girl who will be there bawling her eyes out
Yet still sitting there,
making sure that my friends are happy
Cause thats all that matters to me<3


Format by Sandrasaurus

I LOVE my best friends boyfriend!! (not like that like as a friend) he knows every single word to WMYB and today after school he started talking
to me about how he was listening to pandora 
radio and all of One Direction's songs
came on. NEW BEST FRIEND!!
Format credit: thatonegirl_brokenhearted
Thats  cool, 

You   claim   to   be   my    

Best    friend

But    yet    you   go    around 


With    MY    boyfriend

Back   off?

Please,   thanks  


I bet that going over his house would be perfectly fine if he was a freshman like me but the fact that he's a junior just changes everything now doesn't it. I hate you. Like serioiusly dad get a life. I'm gonna date guys, and I'm gonna go over their houses. Not all of my boyfriends are gonna be my age and 2 years isn't even that big of an age difference like really. get a life. its so not fair that I can't go over my boyfriends house. who cares that you haven't met him yet. you've never met any of my boyfriends who says you're gonna start meeting them now?

Still cannot believe
That today a JUNIOR asked
me to be HIS 
girlfriend... beyond happy right 

Format by twilightgirl995


Me Texting My Friend Abi:
Me: What did you do in wellness today?

Her: Nick
Me: I didn't ask WHO you did I asked what you did ;)
Today 11 years ago was the terrorist attack on the twin towers that shook all of America. It affected each and everyone of us, some people lost thier cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, brothers, sisters, friends but we as a country didn't break like it was intended we rose up from the ruins and stood strong together as one nation. We helped each other out, we came together to keep this tragedy from ever happening again. Thank you to all the people who risked their lives to save others, and lets mourn for those who we lost today. We will never forget what happened, it has been imprinted on to our brains, but now we know that when we come together as a nation we come out stronger. R.I.P. to everybody who lost their lives during this terrible tragedy. Keep them in your minds as you go throughout your day today.
Trying to hold back
The tears but failing miserably</3
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