Be Yourself, An Original Is Always, Worth More Than A Copy
October 11, 2011
Last Seen:
9 years
user id:
Hey thanks for the follow, I swear I remember your username from a couple of years ago which made me happy cause now I know my memory isn't that terrible :)
Hey no probs:) and oh I hope you remember it for a good reason haha sorry for the late reply been busy with a hockey tournament and I sprained my foot haha what's up with you?
That's great. I love the cold, so it's okay! Yeah I have Snapchat but I only give it to people I know well and I just met you so sorry. :P
And heyyy Witty is my favorite form of communication anyway.
yeahyeah i just get really annoyed when i have to figure out who unfolllowed me cause i follow all my followers back. its fine you don have to follow. just tell me when you unfollow
Not a problem for me though.
It's just starting to melt here and I'm quite sad about that.
Not such a bad Monday lol, how was your day
I'm not a sports fan lol.
I am feeling much better now though.
And heyyy Witty is my favorite form of communication anyway.
I live in the good old United States of America, lol.
No way you're from Canada, that's so cool!
I'll follow back!
It really works for you ;))