His name is Ryan. I've always known him but we weren't really friends. At the time, I broke up with my boyfriend at the time named Hunter. There was a dance about 2/3/4 weeks after we broke up and I decided to go. When the slow dance songs came on, I danced with a few of my best guy friends and whoever asked. I saw Ryan, looking around for this girl who he was apparently dating (i did not know that XD) and so I asked him to dance and he agreed. He asked me about Hunter and I explained on how he was a jerk and how I broke up with him. He told me that I didn't deserve to be treated like that. Somehow, during that 3 1/2 minute slow dance song, I started to like him. A few days later, I got Instagram notifications and he had stalked my page. We started to text and I would drop little hints that I liked him. I remember saying "i like someone" and he'd say "who ;)" and I would list all of his traits. His best friend told me that he wanted to be with me and not the girl he was with. Three weeks later he planned a huge surprise with my best friend and asked me to Winter Formal. Two days after he asked me to Winter Formal, he asked me to date him. He said, "Do you want to make it official? Be my girlfriend?" From November 28 2012, to now we've still been dating. He knows everything about me and I know everything about him. I'm glad to say we've been together for six months<3
You see ? You waited till the right guy came and now you're happy :) . I'm so glad for you two guys.I wish i was you.
I wish all the best for you two and a happy ending like in fairy tales <3
Thank you(: It just makes me up that he even asked his ex to dance with him. And we haven't been talking since then. :/ But thank you for all your help!
I wish all the best for you two and a happy ending like in fairy tales <3