Helllloooooooo Im Julia, im 15 from...you will never know( unless you looked at my profile and read this before i deleted where i was from...hahhaa)SOOOO ANYWAYSS!!!!!Im usually really energetic but Im really lazy hahaha!!! Im also really clumsy, all my friends make fun
of me for it hahahah ohh and i love connoli cream just incase you were wondering.... yeahhh
music+food+sleep+computer+friends+family= my life♥
I love the friends i've made here so much!!!
Im here for anyone that needs to talk!!♥
^-- Believe it because it's true. ♥
^ please see this quote!!! WITTY COULD BE SHUT DOWN! :'(
Spread the word, make quotes about it, just try helping.
okay so anyway.< 3