
Joined: January 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 267480

youcannotbringmedown's Favorite Quotes

It feels good to know Im needed
That  I  made  a  difference  to  someone

"faster" i  whispered
as my browser ran slowly.

Whenever I don't eat:     I feel good. I feel like I am already starting to lose weight.

                                                      But I have extremely bad cravings that are hard to supress.
                                                      And I eat out of bordem and stress.

But when I do eat:            I feel disgusting and like a fat pig that will never be skinny.
                                                     My stomach hurts and I just want to rip it out of my body. 

It's time for me to go away. 
It hurts for me to leave,
But even more to stay.


I should've known  all along, they were lies like all the other things you've said.

Maybe, next time i'll be the  
                   girl who lost herself

maybe next time i'll be the 
girl who lost her life.

It sucks when everyone loves your best friend and you're just kinda there

I hope I didn't annoy you today.


s harder to choose to 


It's Funny how your sorry AFTER you hurt me