Top Quotes This Week

why am i always the one comforting you? if you told me you were in a slump i’d try to cheer you up. that’s what i do. you say i’m one of your favourite people. but you can’t even see through me. i can’t let myself love you anymore. you’re texting me now about other things. i just want to talk about my feelings. you say you’re my safe space but sometimes i can’t feel it. i’m really disappointed in you. you say were similar but sometimes i feel like i’m too much for you. you love that i empathise with you and care deeply but these deep feelings need a place to go too. i missed you and told you how i felt. you said you felt that way too. i really wanted you to ask me how i am. sometimes you’re amazing. sometimes you hurt me without knowing it. i’m really sensitive we’ve been over this. just wish you would drop everything for me like i try to do for you. cause right now i feel silly sad and used.
Stop taking away my freedom of speech
I can't post a status 
I can't post a reel 
without you making it about yourself 
Why can't I just like a quote
or be upset at a friend 
and just be free
to say what i want 
without you 
making me feel 
so damn trapped. 


I believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales.



After all these years,
I am at long last...
Cancer free.


I was ready to leave this website yesterday. But I refuse                      
to leave until witty is active again. It's like... I don't feel comfortable without
leaving newer members something to inherit. I want them to see the

same Witty that I did when I was young.


is my

Fragments From a Junior's Thoughts

Today, I heard the phrase "it looks good on college applications" 11 times

Teachers tell me they are preparing me for the "real world" as if the first 18 years are a free trial

Getting an education turned out to be a competition I never agreed to enter

I used to think in weekdays and now I think in test dates

Nothing is heavier than this backpack except maybe my eyelids

I'm losing sleep, losing weight, losing my mind

I'm so lost

Even as I write this poem I know nothing I say matters unless it's typed in Times New Roman 12pt font

Even heroes have the right to bleed.

when people say they like the movie better


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