to my 109 followers,
wow, how am I going to
say this?
I only just realised how many followers I have, I honestly have
the biggest smile on my face.
i freaking love you guys so much, it means the
world to me how kind you guys are.
you guys are always here for me, and you are all so
amazingly supportive of everything.
you favourite my quotes, and really care about me, and i want you
all to know i think you are amazing.
some of you really stand out to me and are
always making me smile;
namemypass, ImDancingRightNow, Godismysavior
just to name the first few commenting on my page.
namemypass; you're the main reason we're
back together, you made sure she saw it, then she instantly asked
to be back together again, we spent all yesterday together and it
was amazing, you really helped us through that so i thought
i'd thank you and let you know that seems how you have helped
us so much that if you ever need anything, advice, or even just
someone to talk to Claire and I are always here.
many of you are so kind and you really make my
day, i wish i could go through a follow every single one
of you back, but it would be a little tiring going through
109 followers, but if you'd really like me
to follow you, please just let me know and i
will as soon as i can, i promise, i swear on my life.
thank you all so much, you have no idea how much this
means to me, i love you guys!
-Oliver /
i dont know why but im so happyyy ;D