Story Quote #6073980
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SHATTERED -Chapter 1- ~Ariel's POV~ "Carter! What happened?!"


-Chapter 1-

~Ariel's POV~

"Carter! What happened?!" I was picking Carter up from basketball practice at the high school. "Wait.. What?" he asked, sounding confused. "That bruise!" I said, concerned. He had a nasty black eye. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, though, I thought to myself. Bruises and scratches are far from uncommon for Carter. "Oh that?" he laughed. "It was actually really funny, Ari! I was going up for a layup, and I missed the net.. the ball went off the rim and hit me straight in the face! I'm such a klutz," he smiled. "It's no big deal, though, it'll heal up in a few days." he said and started walking towards my car. "Oh, Carter. Be more careful! You look like you got into a fight!" I scolded. I was worried about him, but I stopped trying to tell him so long ago. Carter isn't the type to accept pity, or even sympathy of any kind, and I can respect that, because neither am I. "I feel bad for you.. Always having to drive me everywhere," Carter told me as I unlocked the car and got in. "Don't worry about it. In a few months, you'll have your license, and you can drive yourself wherever you want to go," I said. I was only 4 months older than Carter... I'd just turned 16 in October, and as soon as I was able to drive, I offered to take him wherever he needed to go. 
Carter and I have been friends since the 5th grade. Sure, we've had some fights, but who doesn't? I was there for him when his dad died, and he was there for me when my mom got cancer. Grief brings people together, especially when you don't have anyone else to turn to. "Uhm.. Ari? You passed my house," Carter said, and brought me back to reality. "Oh my God.. Sorry! I wasn't even paying attention!" I apologized and turned around in the next driveway. "Sorry about that Carter. My bad!" I said, as I pulled up to his house. "Text me later, ok?" "Alright," he agreed, then grabbed his bag and hopped out of the car. "Don't get any more black eyes!" I teased, only half joking. He laughed as he walked in the door, but I was no idiot. I could tell it was fake. He's hiding something big, I thought to myself. I'm just gonna have to find out what it is... And soon, before I lose my best friend.

/\/\/\/\/\ HINT: I'm sick and tired of this, I thought to myself sadly. I can't tell anyone... They wouldn't understand anyway. Not mom, not even Ariel. And that's why I have to go through with this. /\/\/\/\/\

*Author's Note*

Ahh, so in this chapter you learned some stuff about Carter, AND you met a new character, Ariel (or Ari, for short). hope you're liking it(: comment for a notification! Feedback & fave & follow! 75 faves for the next chapter (:



soccerdogg25 1 decade ago
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This is really awesome! Notify me please! :)
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PThistle78 1 decade ago
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Notification please!!! ;)
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Lovedance33 1 decade ago
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This is awesome, I'll definitely read the whole story! Please notify me:)
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specialchild 1 decade ago
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can i has a notification when the next chapter is up? pretty please(:
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crazyMCRfangirl 1 decade ago
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can you notify me please??? I like it :D
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Notify me pleaseee?!? i like it!!
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Apage 1 decade ago
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i really like it. notify me please? (:
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willyoubemyleprechaun 1 decade ago
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Notify please? It's awesome :)
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Notify me please? (:
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lettherainhideyourtears 1 decade ago
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notify please? It's very good! :)
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ShesInLove 1 decade ago
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Notify me please? (:
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pieluver 1 decade ago
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notify please!
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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I can tell this is going to be an amazing story... can't wait to see what happens next(: Notify me please! <3 xoxo
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aviva41133 1 decade ago
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69 faves!!
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forgottenlover 1 decade ago
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Notify me?(:
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KrIsTeN_LoVeS_1D 1 decade ago
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Love it! Notify please (:
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thegirllikesmusic 1 decade ago
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This is really awesome! Notify me please? I can't wait to read more! (:
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GottaBeYou06 1 decade ago
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This is really great! Notify me please :)
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BriBri27 1 decade ago
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Alaska Young* 1 decade ago
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Notify:) please its good
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posted July 27, 2012 at 12:39am UTC tagged with story

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