Surveys Quote #6384195
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Which month were you born in? January - Your crush February -

Which month were you born in?

January - Your crush
February - Your mom
March - Your dad
April - Your sister
May - Your brother
June - Your grandmother
July - Your grandfather
August - Your bestfriend
September - Your teacher
October - Your pet
November - You
December - Your favorite celebrity

What color shirt are you wearing?

Blue - will kiss you.
Pink - will hug you.
Green - will hit you in the face.
Purple - will dance with you.
Yellow - will make out with you.
Brown - will run away with you into the woods.
White - will marry you.
Black - will hurt you in the heart.
Red - will stare at you.
Orange - will scare you to death by hugging you and then screaming.
Other - will hang out with you at the mall.

Results? Leave a quick comment on this quote. ~<3


cocaworld 1 decade ago
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Your crush...will hurt your heart....... awkk
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Kailey♥* 1 decade ago
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My best friend will marry me (:
Ohmyguuurd, I'm gonna get married to my best guy friend. Ohmygurd.<3
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posted October 31, 2012 at 9:47pm UTC tagged with surveys

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