Cute Quote #6570896
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The most exciting/ most embarrassing thing happened last night.

The most exciting/ most embarrassing thing happened last night. I went to a school dance with my friends at another all-girls school. The boys from the all-boys schools met us there. I don't know a lot of boys like some people do because I'm pretty shy. Anyway, in the last, say...20 minutes, this cute guy started dancing with me. My friends were dancing with boys, too, so it was fine. I could tell he wanted to kiss me because he kept leaning in but it wasn't obvious. Then, his friend came over to him and told him they needed to get on the bus. So, before he left he said, "I have to leave now. Do I get a kiss?"
Oh my God it was so embarrassing because I freaking kissed his cheek instead of his mouth because I've never kissed anyone before. He gave me a funny look so I just TOLD HIM. I JUST BLURTED IT OUT.
I said, "I've never kissed anyone before."
But it's fine because he smiled a little and asked me to put my name & number into his phone. Then later, he texts me and asks me why "a pretty girl like you has never kissed anyone before".
What just happened.
I can't even deal with myself right now.



xxxdreamerxxx11 1 decade ago
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IM DYINGGG!! XD This is soooo cute!!!
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3pointballer 1 decade ago
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wait what dance did you go to? i went to one at an all girls school last night also
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audreyann 1 decade ago
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i live in Connecticut haha it was at walker's
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3pointballer 1 decade ago
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ahhh darnnn. i got wicked excited that we might have been at the same one...
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conklineli5280 1 decade ago
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BRB,,, Dyingggg <333
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audreyann 1 decade ago
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conklineli5280 1 decade ago
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Nothing, nothing at all!! OMG I love youu!!!<333
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poodlelomein35 1 decade ago
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Haha aw that's so sweet <3. Don't worry, I'm sure he appreciates your honestly with the whole kissing thing. I'm almost 16 and have ne'er kissed anybody either :)
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audreyann 1 decade ago
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I hope so because I really regretted saying it afterwards! c:
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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I would have thought it was cute, if a girl that had never kissed anybody before was willing to kiss me in just 20 minutes. He probably wants to see you again.
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audreyann 1 decade ago
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But I thought you're supposed to play hard to get and I was playing easy to get. SO CONFUSED.
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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No, hard to get is stupid.
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posted January 13, 2013 at 7:58am UTC tagged with cute