Love Quote #6672125
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I'm still here Prefix The flashback 7th Grade When my twin

I'm still here
The flashback
7th Grade
When my twin sister died, I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to cope.
My parents kinda fell apart.
And I sort of fell with them.

"Halley, come inside kiddo. It's getting dark."
I looked over my shoulder at my dad, silhouetted by the setting sun. His hand was waving over his shoulder as he called me in for dinner.
He'd sit me down, and we'd have our little talk. I take my shower and afterwards he'd tuck me in to bed.
"Dad.. Why can't I see mommy?" He fidgeted under my gaze at the end of my bed.
"It's hard to explain sweetie. Get some sleep alright? Don't forget your prayers."
I knew them by heart, having started praying a year ago. 
I lifted my covers and shuffled across my room.
I crouched by my window and looked up at the full moon.
I clasped my hands together and shut my eyes tight.

"Angles east and angels west,
North and South just do your best.
To watch me and guard me as I rest.
God Bless, Amen."
I snuggled back under the covers and fell fast asleep.

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posted March 12, 2013 at 5:36pm UTC tagged with love, cute, sweet, im, chapter, yes, here, still, flashback, imstillhere, prefix, halleydavis, story

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