God Quote #6712518
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And when there's no God, what are you religious people going

And when there's no God, what are you religious people going to do?


Mandy324 1 decade ago
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Just laugh and walk away, simply as that.
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Mandy324 1 decade ago
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Thanks c: F*ck heaven
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emmalou_xo 1 decade ago
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When your time on earth is done, and you face God after denying Him your whole life, what are you ignorant person going to do? Sorry but I had to. You can have your opinion and I can have mine.
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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You don't have to call her ignorant. And you clearly don't know how to use ignorant in the correct way. Ignorant means lack of knowledge, I don't see how she lacks knowledge because of her beliefs. I also don't know why your commenting on this since it's literally for like 5 days ago. Like get over it's her beliefs. She has her, you have yours get over it.
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emmalou_xo 1 decade ago
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She is ignorant by claiming God does not exist while she may not even have a relationship with God. She has a lack in knowkedge of religion apparently. When she posts something like that, she has to know people will comment stating there beliefs honey. Oh so I can't comment on something from five days ago? Woahhh no one told me. Lol stahp
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Don't call me honey ever again. Like you don't understand how much I already want to hit you because you're clear lack of intelligence and immaturity. Jesus Christ, do you realize how f*cking hypocritical you are? She lacks knowledge because she claiming God doesn't exist. Look at yourself claiming God does exist. These people aren't stating their beliefs, they're giving her hate. They're forcing their beliefs on others. So I don't know where you see stating beliefs are. Woah, you should know you'll get hate by commenting. If you can have your statement why can't she? like what the f*ck? And if you were actually going through what she went through, you'd probably have your doubts in god too.
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emmalou_xo 1 decade ago
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Your* lol . No one's hating on me. I feel sorry for her, it is sad she doesn't have faith. I feel sorry for you, acting all high and mighty behind a computer screen. It is a sad sad sad world we live in. Of course she can have her opinion and so can I that's why I commented honey. I didn't tell her her belief was wrong, I simply said the alternative perspective. Some people are just stating beliefs but some are to one-way and hypocrtical to see that. She basically did the same thing you are accussing us of doing sweetie. (:
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Your correction is invalid. You are truly the most immature person. I don't need your pathetic sympathy. I'm not acting "all high and mighty behind a computer screen." That just me, I don't act any different being on the internet. I'm like this in person. But guess what, your opinion of me or anyone can be shoved back down your throat, because no one cares for what you have to say. You are aggravating as f*ck like honestly I have a reason why I said don't call me "honey" but no, you have to be the immature idiotic 13 or 12 year old. Alternative perspective? Lol, bullsh*t. You're a hypocrite and it honestly makes me want to shoot myself. She didn't do that, If you were smart enough you would've read the other comments and have realized it was stated about a million times that it's lyric turned into a wonderful quote. I'm not *accusing (learn how to spell correctly "sweetie") I'm just stating the true. End of story.
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emmalou_xo 1 decade ago
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I feel sorry for you, since the way your treating me, and (as you said this is how you are in everyday life too) and how you treat others, you need all the "pathetic sympathy" you can get. Haha I hope God gives you a second chance instead of putting you in hell where you should be.
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Oh sweetheart, I only treat people this way if I don't like them, and I don't like you. Pathetic sympathy is not what I need, It's the last thing I would ever need. I hope I end up in hell, honestly it makes me laugh. In real life our lives are just gone when we die all we do is rot in the ground. a
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emmalou_xo 1 decade ago
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Says the athiest. Lol
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Yup, lol. F*ck god.
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ncisrox13 1 decade ago
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I'm in utter shock about every single comment on here. Hardly anyone is taking the time to listen to or understand another's opinion.So many nasty things have been said by people who agree with the girl, or are "defending her", and people who don't agree with her. This quote should honestly just be deleted because it's causing a lot of problems, regardless if it's the maker's opinion.
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emmalou_xo 1 decade ago
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Agreed. I wish people could respect eachother's opinions.
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ninjamim 1 decade ago
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No god = no faith, no faith = no hope, no hope = despair, despair = hate
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wordynerdy 1 decade ago
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AutumnAsh 1 decade ago
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After careful deliberation I have decided to comment. Everyone else seems to think that their opinions actually matters to you, which they so obviously don't. But i hope that y'all will read this anyways. I'd like to think that this should be said... Let's be honest people whether you're Christian or Atheist or Catholic, nothing gives you a right to say hateful things just because of one quote. We are ALL human. Ya i get it that everyone's a hypocrite especially these "religious" people. what i think, is that whatever you believe in, it doesn't give ANYONE a right to make rude comments. I personally don't care what you believe in. If you don't believe in God, alright. If you do, then that's cool. I do believe there is a God( don't get angry with me now!). And I'm not going to spout off about Him to you either(Phew!). I've never forced my beliefs on someone, because i don't want to make them uncomfortable, but i don't try to hide it either. If my friends or anyone wants to ask a question about my faith then I'll try to answer it to the best of my knowledge. Thats it, simple as that. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions. You can't control what others believe,the only thing that you're in control of is how you react to it.
What i personally found humorous about it is that you actually posted this, trust me i laughed...a lot. Because even if it is song lyrics, you can't expect people not to say something. Some people need there opinion's to be heard so they act like total idiots in the process. (Us humans are like that). Anyways I'd like to give you props for actually posting this up, you got guts. One more thing! My intention's were not to pick a fight, and for everyone to be off at me becasue, 'uh oh, their's another religious person talking nonsense, we should all go tell her to die!" (please refrain from doing so, even if you REALLY want to) I'm not saying anyone will make rude comments and i'm not saying they won't. but if anyone does say that, then what make's you better then anyone else? religious or not?
Lastly!( and probably thankfully!) if you ever post something similar to this then...well...good luck! (Sorry this is so long!)
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AutumnAsh 1 decade ago
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by the way, i AM in no way calling you an idiot!!!!
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_superwhitegirlproblems 1 decade ago
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alisonDB21 1 decade ago
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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alisonDB21 1 decade ago
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Why don't /you/ leave? I mean, if you're gonna go around being a little bîtchface on Witty, why don't you just leave? Thats what Facebook is for.
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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First of all you're a , second of all, it's my best friends witty quote not yours. I have the right to stay, you don't. Exactly Facebook is for annoying twats like you. But honestly leave and stop commenting, no one asked you to in the first place.
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jane :-)* 1 decade ago
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first, we all have a right to stay here. just because your 'best friend' made this quote does not give you the right to say who can comment on it or not. second, both of you are fools. calling each other names is not the way to fix something. you go around saying that people are ignorant, but in reality you are both the ones lashing out and starting fights. thirdly and lastly, by making this quote, your friend was practically begging for opinions. and if she is not going to be open to them, she shouldn't have made this quote in the first place. both of you, please try and keep your nasty comments to yourselves next time. the last thing anyone needs is something more to fight about.
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dragonfly26 1 decade ago
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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It's entertaining to see the comments, but after a while, it's just like.... please stop it. You know? I mean, (if I'm understanding this right) I would totally defend my best friend if something like this happened. We all would, right? But when swearing and derogatory language is involved, I would like to draw an imaginary line. Can we please be civilized about it? We're human beings, and we have opinions, but the game always ends at some point. Please no fighting? :)

(this comment does in no way reflect my opinion on religion or the girl who made this quote)
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br0kenwings 1 decade ago
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Most of the comments on here aren't opinions, though. They're attacking the poor girl who posted this quote.
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jane :-)* 1 decade ago
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'poor girl'? i agree, some comments are a bit brash, but she is not a poor girl. she posted this, yes, so she should be ready to handle the hateful comments that come with it.
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br0kenwings 1 decade ago
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Yes, 'poor girl' because NO ONE deserves to be hated on because of making a quote with a question in it. Nobody had to be hateful towards her - that was their choice, and it's WRONG. She posted ONE LINE, a single question, and people are being down-right awful to her. She didn't attack anyone, all she did was suggest that God may not be real. People are waaaaaay overreacting. The level of hate she's receiving is absolutely disgusting and is just reminding me why I hate the close-minded, immature brats on this site. Ugh.
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Okay, people can only handle so much also along with other problems in their lives, I'm sure you wouldn't be able to handle. Just because someone posted something doesn't mean anything. You never know how much hate you can get on something so stupid. Look at these people offended because of lyrics from a song, She is a poor girl, maybe if you read her other quotes you'd understand instead of just assuming.
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jane :-)* 1 decade ago
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she took this upon herself. she forgot to "check herself before she proceeded to wreck herself", as did I with that second comment and as did many other people when they posted death threats. everyone handles stress differently, though; her problems to someone else might be nothing depending on how they react.
(and for the record, I did read some of her other quotes, as I did for you. I always do that before I comment something like this. please ask questions before you 'just assume' things.)
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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You still truly don't understand do? You may have not go through it but like I said people can only handle some much at once. She didn't ask for hate or opinions. All she did was post a lyric as a quote.
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jane :-)* 1 decade ago
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what song are these lyrics from, then? and obviously when there's something said about religion, even if it's as short as this, there will be a fight. common sense will tell you that.
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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I don't know what song it is, and it's not her fault, it just the people that chose to comment
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jane :-)* 1 decade ago
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I highly doubt that these are song lyrics. when you Google it, no song results come up. it's not even in the lyrics category.
and in my opinion, it's everyone's fault. the people who commented, and the quote maker herself.
now, in no way have I said that it's alright for people to be posting these mean comments. I've only been saying that with a quote like this, people are bound to say something rude and that she should take responsibility for posting this.
besides, if she couldn't handle it from the first few hateful comments, why didn't she just delete this?
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Song lyrics don't always come up on google. It can be everyone's fault. But the y have no need to tell her to kill herself
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alisonDB21 1 decade ago
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Wow, you called me a , because that offends me so much.. note my sarcasm.
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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It was suppose to say tw/at. Note that you should leave and stop be annoying
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alisonDB21 1 decade ago
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No, I sh'ant be leaving. You should be leaving. In fact, you should leave life. :D
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Cool tellin me to kill myself is wonderful, I love how you have no shame of that of even have part of my friends suicide. You really disgust me. You're also is disappointment to humanity. There's no reason for you to on this quote, are you to immature to leave, because it seems like it. You tell people to kill themselves that's disrespectful never in my life would I say that to someone but you clear are to f*cked up to see it.
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alisonDB21 1 decade ago
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I didn't tell you to kill yourself, I told you to leave life. Theres a difference.
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Leaving life is dying, not really a difference. They both conclude to death.
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alisonDB21 1 decade ago
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Well, have fun with that. :]
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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You're f*cked up, just leave.
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alisonDB21 1 decade ago
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Lol, thanks :D
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Do not understand what leave means? It mean go somewhere else and stop commenting. BYE c:
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alisonDB21 1 decade ago
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Yes, I understand it, but no, I'm not going to. :]
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Dude no one wants you here and no one care for what you have to say. So I still don't why you're here. oh wait you're to immature to leave
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alisonDB21 1 decade ago
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Do you not have any better comebacks than that, or...?
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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I don't consider any words that come out of my mouth "comebacks" because I'm not going to sit here insulting someone I don't know. I'm not going to stoop down to your level
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alisonDB21 1 decade ago
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You were just doing it, sweetheart.
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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No not really actually, but if you'd like to take it that way, be my guest.
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alisonDB21 1 decade ago
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No, you actually were insulting me, sooo yeahhh. :D
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QueenOfClovers 1 decade ago
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Demonicangel31 1 decade ago
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And when you die and meet Him (God), what will you do?
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dandelions 1 decade ago
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They are gonna die... And rot in the ground like everyone else
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Spencer Grace✨* 1 decade ago
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I don't really know what i believe, but i completely respect your opinion and i don't think you should be getting all this hate for it.
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DanceForJesus 1 decade ago
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There is a God
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DramaForLife 1 decade ago
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how do you know
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DanceForJesus 1 decade ago
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Well it's not so much knowing right away, it's even if you have a little faith then it grows then you know that there is. Kind of like a flower it starts as a small seed and then when you water it and grow closer to God and pray he will show you he exists and you will know(:
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Hari* 1 decade ago
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She's just expressing her opinion. I personally am an Orthodox Christian and I strongly believe there's a God, but there's no need to attack her just because you disagree with her. Not everyone is going to think the exact same you do. No one deserves all this hate.
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ThereWillBeAnAnswer_LetItBe 1 decade ago
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well, if there is a god, which i strongly believe there is, then yay (: and if not, which i strongly disbelieve, then thats how it is! everyone has their own opinion(:
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AyeItsMia_1 1 decade ago
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How about everyone shuts the hell up, & minds there own business.
This whole argument is stupid. People can believe what they want. If you believe in God, shut up & post your own quote about it. If you don't, shut up and leave ignorant people alone.
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dreamweaver16 1 decade ago
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The fact that you commented this undermines your comment just saying
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dreamweaver16 1 decade ago
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They might just be song lyrics, but why would you want to post anything talking down on sometimes religion,.even if it didn't come out of your own brain?
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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If religious people can say something and speak up for their beliefs, then why can't the atheist people?
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dreamweaver16 1 decade ago
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We don't bash other religions by stating our beliefs
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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You might not, but a lot of religious people do that
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dreamweaver16 1 decade ago
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And their wrong do that but two wrongs don't make a right
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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But there are people who believe that God will always be there and there are people who don't. Just let them believe in what they want to. Simple as that.
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GodsGurllyyGurl 1 decade ago
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Well... Gods never ending, so uh? yeah..
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luv4ever57 1 decade ago
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What are you getting out of posting this? It just saddens me to realizing that there is no hope for humanity when people are being as pathetic as posting things like this.
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Dude, it's song lyrics. Calm down
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luv4ever57 1 decade ago
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Dude, it's pathetic. And I believe I'm being as calm as I should be.
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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You don't like it, then don't read it. Simple as that. It's pathetic you commented
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luv4ever57 1 decade ago
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No, I think the most pathetic thing is that you are still trying to pick this fight. Sweetie, I feel that if the person that posted this is allowed to have "freedom o speech" then so am I. Meaning, let me have my opinion on this. I mean really. And I can easily read you doing the same crap to others that disagree with this post. Oh, and by the way, if you're going to pick a fight at least use correct grammar.

It's pathetic THAT you commented**
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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I don't think it pathetic that I commented because I'm defending a friend that committed suicide, It's pathetic that your commenting on someone's quote that's possibly dead. Classy. I've been using correct grammar, lol.
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trytounderstandme143 1 decade ago
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Freedom of speech on a quote? lol. People like you make me die of laughter.
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Yo_Im_Ronan_ 1 decade ago
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freedom of religion is in our contintuion
there for people can state whatever they want, wanna know why? cause we also have freedom of speech. let it the go
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47 Wittians like this



posted April 9, 2013 at 11:07pm UTC tagged with god, advice

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