First off, if you didnt know 420 was a street name for weed you're probably to young to be on the internet. Secondly, weed has been scientifically proven to increase the likeliness of developing schizophrenia. And seeing as 60% of schizophrenics commit suicide, weed can in fact harm and even kill you. that is all.
It talks about how 420 was coined. It was originally a code which meant smoking weed and was a time when people did smoke if they were associated with a certain gang/group. They did it to keep their cannabis smoking under the radar and would smoke at 4:20 pm. Now 4/20 (April 20th) is considered National Weed Day. The article says that somewhere-- I actually read it a few hours ago to my mother.
Do you know what weed does to people's bodies? It destroys them. Drugs is also why a lot of people get shot or something. Gangs want turf to sell their drugs. Why can't we have holidays with points to them, like National Hug Day, or National Fun Day? Not something that celebrates giving yourself lung cancer.
...Do you know anything about cannabis? I isn't harmful and cannot give you cancer. The worst it does is get your body a little slowed down over time & as an effect while you're high. It only has a 9% addiction rate. (Yet cannabis is STILL illegal and cigarettes and alcohol are still legal.) Drugs and gangs do not go hand-in-hand. Especially this goes for cannabis. Educate yourself before you state things. Besides, it's not a nationally celebrated holiday. It's technically a code coined a very long time ago which is now more well-known.
If you had ANY streets smarts whatsoever you would know that drugs and gangs go hand and hand. How do you think gangs make their money? Well I can tell you it's not selling cookies door to door. They sell drugs, and illegal weapons. So before you try to correct me please know what you're talking about. And about your whole cannibis "argument", you are wrong. Cannibis has a lot of negative effects on your body and is harmful to take. Taking cannibis can give you bipolar disorders, major depression, hallucinations, delusions, and a loss of the sense of personal identity. All of those examples seem pretty harmful to me, so yes cannibis is harmful to the body. How about you educate yourself the next time you decide to talk on a topic you clearly know little about.
Gangs yes sometimes get involved in drugs, but that isn't what they're about specifically. And cannabis rarely does that. I've researched it before I did it. The major effect is a slowing of your reflexes and senses, coordination, etc. Sometimes it can cause anxiety and distrust.
But hardly. It isn't as bad as cigarettes and alcohol which are still legal. All drugs can have some negative effects, and this includes prescribtions and over-the-counter drugs, but they're still legal. So cannabis is far from the worst and has no reason to be illegal. Heck, it can be beneficial, just like prescription drugs.
oh my word you need to educate yourself. marijuana actually does not harm your body. yes, other drugs like cocaine do, but weed doesn't. the only negative effects is has is that its difficult to create new memories (learn stuff) for about a week after use. it will not "destroy" peoples bodies in any way. please think before you type and make sure that what you're saying is actually true.
If you actually knew what you were talking about you would know that weed does destroy your body. The inability to make new memories us a result of destruction to the brain, obviously. People that smoke weed may also exspiriences hallucinations, delusions, and a loss of the sense of personal identity, which are all examples of how weed can destroy your brain. So therefore please think before YOU type and make sure what YOU'RE saying is actually true.
actually it doesn't destroy your brain. were are you getting all of this false information?? the only reason that it makes it hard to make new memories is because it TEMPORARILY slows down the brain. it does no actual damage. after one week of consumption all effects are gone and no harm is done. why are you so p!ssed off about weed? it's not that big of a deal. i don't, and never have done it so its not like im trying to make myself feel better.
Gangs don't kill over weed. Profit margins on marijuana are a drop in the bucket compared to hard drugs. Plus nobody gets addicted to weed, if they don't have the money they won't rob and steal for it. You really need to open your mind and read some facts. It's a plant for 's sake.
that sounds like every day here in the netherlands