My mom doesnt trust me so she takes them at night all of them and she is a very light sleeper like i dont know how she does it but if i try to get it from her room while she is sleeping i end up not being able to use it for 3 days, do you hear that? 3 days its horrible and i dont know why she is making such a big deal abou it this year because i used to and still do stay up past 1am on school nights and woke up at 6 this year i wake up at 5 and i still managed to get a 90 average for the whole year which is impressive since i would only get 4 or 5 hours of sleep.
Yeah and as bad as this sounds in the morning i eat something sugary like a chocolate chocolate muffin and then ill eat candy throughout the day to keep me awake, i prefer starbucks or dunkin donuts instead but i never have time to stop their before school starts because school starts at 730ish but every other day i have 0 period which starts at 650 and i have to be there by 645 ugh.
uuuuugggg thats me -______________- and I'm a swimmer that should be eating 4500 calories a day and because "I eat too much" according to them I have only about 3000. I sneak food up to my room (^.^)
i was right.
that is amazing! sounds like a plan (;