Love Quote #6876598
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Every year at my school the incoming freshman boys go to the

Every year at my school the incoming freshman boys go to the varsity field hockey team and gives the prettiest girl a flower and the ugliest girl a stick or rock.  (The tradition is something along those lines)  It's a horrible tradition I know, but the cross country coaches turn a blind eye to it. 
But this year, one of the captains sent out a group text saying she's bringing water balloons to throw at them if they do it this year. 


Chris* 1 decade ago
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I'm curious as to if this happened or not
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finding_nemo 1 decade ago
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It did. But later than we thought. The captain brought water balloons the day I posted this. We kept them in our hut (all the sports teams have huts instead of benches, one for the away team and one for home.) By the time it happened the water balloons popped.
So, they approached us while we were debriefing a game. No one realized until one girl yelled "They're coming! Run!" So majority of the team booked it out of the hut. Running. From the cross country team. Not the best planning on our part. and they gave some girls flowers, one girl got weeds, and then one boy was left holding a stump saying "Take it, it doesn't mean anything please just take it" and one of the girls took it and threw it.
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago
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If I got a rock I'd use it to throw at the person who gave it to me.
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posted September 3, 2013 at 7:57pm UTC tagged with love, funny, cute, xc, fieldhockey, crosscountry, itsgreat, howsweet, insteadofdreadingiticantwaitnow, itllbesofunny, fuckdemasswipes, theyaintgotnothingonus, illdriveaballatthemifitcomestothat, idcryifigotstick, bestcaptains, mamasaidknockyouout