Love Quote #6916887
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Inner Beauty Kody never considered herself a pretty girl and

Inner Beauty Kody never considered herself a pretty girl and she was super self-conscious of her weight and worried about what people thought of her. She put a fake smile on everyday just to please everyone. She only had one true friend named Rhys; he really cared for Kody and tried to keep her safe. She had always wanted to be one of the popular girls, they were all so beautiful and perfect she thought. She tried every way to get there acceptance. She changed the clothes she wore, the music she listened to, the way she talked, everything. She pushed Rhys away because the girls made fun of the fact she hung out with such a "loser". Rhys prayed for Kody every night though and tried his best to help her even though she pushed him away. One day the popular girls invited Kody to a sleepover and she was so excited, she finally thought she had become "one of them". The party started out great and they were all super nice...until she fell asleep. They keyed her car and cut her hair. She woke up to find them all laughing at her and she didn't know what was wrong. They gave her a mirror, and she just stared into it mortified. She thought they had liked her, she thought she had changed herself enough to fit in. She runs out of the house crying only to find her car destroyed. She drives to her house and locks herself in her room. So many thoughts were going through her head. She was so upset she just sat there and cried for hours. She picked up her bag and threw it across the room. It hit her bookshelf and her pocketknife fell down, in that moment she felt like cutting herself or ending her life. She picked up the knife and underneath it she saw a little pink book with a sticky note sticking out of it. She examined it closely and realized it was from Rhys. The book was a bible and was marked 1 peter 3 and verses 3-4 are highlighted. He wrote on the sticky note, You are Beautiful, call me if you need me. She read the hi-lighted verse, it said, "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight." (NIV) she called him immediately and told him everything. He drove over to her house as soon as he saw her name on the caller ID. He ran up the stairs, opened her door and just hugged her. He prayed with her in her tiny bedroom and she finally realized she didn't need acceptance and blessing from everyone, just God and her true friends. The ones who hug her when she really needs it and excepts her for who she really is, her inner beauty.

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SarahbethsMan 1 decade ago
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His Princess*

posted November 4, 2013 at 12:08pm UTC tagged with love, life, beauty, story

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