Away Quote #7066906
all quotes · away · lol · idk · im · hope ·

Is this part of the deal? You start caring enough, and suddenly

Is this part of the deal? You start caring enough, and suddenly you start worrying every little thing you say makes them hate you? Or is it anxiety talking? .....


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posted June 19, 2016 at 10:19am UTC tagged with away, lol, idk, im, hope, fine, big, trust, anxiety, lmao, super, talking, cold, fingers, ill, go, come, idek, goes, pls, thats, far, deal, guess, makes, gotit, wont, getting, anxious, itll, somewhere, theres, itmatters, bc, matters, uknow, ifeel, imconfusedbcthisisnewforme, ofthedepression, itllgo, reaaaaallydontwanttohaveanxiety, itcouldjustbeaphase, mentionanthtomydoctororwhatever, quote