Love Quote #7080867
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Flip over from Mind to Consciousness Are you looking for a life

Flip over from Mind to Consciousness 
Are you looking for a life of Peace and Happiness? 
Are you looking for a way to Tranquillity and Bliss? 
If you just flip your life over from NEP to PEP
You can be sure to achieve this
Who doesn't have sorrow, who doesn't have stress? 
Is there anyone who is free from unhappiness? 
Anybody born in this world with Ego and Mind
 Fear, worry and anger in life, they are sure to find
As long as there is the Mind, as long as there is the Thought
 In misery and sorrow, we are going to be caught
This is because the Rascal Mind is our enemy
And this simple Truth we simply forgot
The Mind fills us with poison, fills us with NEP 
Negative Energy Poison at each and every step 
Until we flip over to Positive Energy Power, to PEP 
We will forever be caught in a web
Imagine living a life with jealousy, revenge and hate
Imagine there is anger, fear and worry at life's gate
How can we then live a life of joy and smile?
Toxic NEP emotions will make our misery longer than the Nile
Just flip over to love, courage and faith
Just live with confidence and to NEP, shut the gate 
You will move from pessimism to optimism
And your life will be full of enthusiasm
This is not magic, this is a task
You have to flip over and change your mask 
You have to flip from NEP to PEP
For your life to be blissful at every step
Is this all, is PEP our Ultimate Goal?
No, we will suffer till we Realize, we are the Soul 
As long as we live with the Ego, Body and Mind 
Thoughts will make us miserable, this we all find
What, then, is the way to Eternal Happiness? 
Is there a way to love, live with Joy and Bliss? 
Yes, if we flip from Mind to Consciousness 
We will be free from all misery and stress
For it is Thoughts that bombard us with pain 
Thoughts make us miserable, again and again 
As long as there are Thoughts, we are sure to cry 
And we will be miserable right till we die
So, we must move from Thoughts to Thoughtlessness 
We must flip over to the state of Consciousness
If we want to live with Eternal Happiness
We must be Thoughtless, and then, there will be no stress
For, Thoughts create fear and worry and anxiety
It is Thoughts that make us prisoners and steal our liberty 
It is Thoughts that fill us with worry and fear
Thoughts rob our Bliss, Peace and Cheer
‘It is impossible to live without Thought’
It is in this myth that the world is caught
Just like we can stop eating, walking and singing
We can stop thinking, but this Truth, we are never taught
The way to Consciousness is to silence the Mind 
Meditation is important, this, we will find
We must eliminate Thoughts so that the Mind, we kill 
The only way to do it, is to make the Mind still
When there is no Thought, we are in Consciousness
Our Intellect is activated in that state of Thoughtlessness 
We are no more prisoners of the Rascal Mind
The Intellect starts to Discriminate, this we will find
For in Consciousness, there is no Mind
In Consciousness, we are not ignorant and blind 
In Consciousness, we leave all misery behind 
Consciousness is where Happiness is defined
Consciousness is a state where we are the master
To a state of Bliss, Consciousness takes us faster
When we flip over to Consciousness from a state of Mind 
Sorrow and misery we will leave behind
Our Mind is our enemy, it fills us with junk 
We must tame the Monkey Mind to be a Monk 
When we flip from Mind to Consciousness 
We end all our anxiousness
For Thoughts create feelings, actions and habits
Thoughts destroy us for sure, but in bits
Learn the simple Truth, that thoughts, you must not permit 
If you do, you learn Life's Ultimate Secret
Don't let messengers of misery knock at your door 
Thoughts come uninvited; they will push you on the floor 
Be in Consciousness and kill the Mind
Push all Thoughts out and shut the door
If you don't kill the Mind, the Mind will kill you 
This is a universal law, it is absolutely true 
Those who live with the Mind, are sure to cry 
They will just live and ultimately, will just die
What is our Life's Ultimate Goal?
To Realize that we are the Divine Soul
But this Truth is concealed by the Devil Mind
As long as there are Thoughts, this Truth, we won't find
Everybody wants pleasure, nobody wants pain 
But we are miserable, again and again
If only we learn the art of how to flip
Peace and Bliss, we will grip
So today, resolve to live a life without stress
Flip over from Mind to Consciousness
Make a vow to flip from NEP to PEP
You will have Peace and Joy and be free from all mess
Today, you have learned a secret; to be Glad, not to be Sad 
You learned to remove junk, tame the Monkey to a Monk 
If only you flip over from NEP to PEP
You will be able to flip over from Mind to Consciousness
While the whole world is stressed by the Thoughts of the Mind 
You will be free, Peace within yourself, you will find
All you need to do is to learn to flip
And you will start your trip on a very happy ship

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posted November 10, 2022 at 12:12pm UTC tagged with love, inspirational, happiness, truth, mind, bliss, consciousness, quote

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