(My full-ish name), you are the girl i fell in love with
through a screen on a childhood game at first i know you
didn't believe me because you didn't think you
would fall in love with a Canadian boy nearly across the
continent. But ever since we started talking again i
immediately realized that i was crazy for you madly in love
and i would've told you sooner but i couldn't find
the words to even form sentences when talking to you. When
you asked for my number i literally freaked out because i
was like no way is she actually asking me this. When we
started talking through text i began to learn more about
you and i fell more and more in love with you every second
we talked. Frankly i was planning to ask you out like way
before i did, but i had to know if you were okay having a
long distance relationship and if you were in love with me
or if you loved me at all. (my first name) you mean the
world to me and im so happy that i met you because you make
me smile everyday even though i seem mad a lot im usually
smile even when im mad because i cant help but smile when
im talking to the girl i love the most im the world❤️
Tu es mon monde. Personne ne peut jamais être aussi
incroyable et je t'aime tellement pour
ça❤️🔒(You are my world. No one can ever be
this amazing and i love you so much for that)