Boy Quotes

~ I'm slowly starting to realize I come to witty whenever something is wrong...My page is becoming so's not helping~

Canadian Babe❤ 11:20 PM
(My full-ish name), you are the girl i fell in love with through a screen on a childhood game at first i know you didn't believe me because you didn't think you would fall in love with a Canadian boy nearly across the continent. But ever since we started talking again i immediately realized that i was crazy for you madly in love and i would've told you sooner but i couldn't find the words to even form sentences when talking to you. When you asked for my number i literally freaked out because i was like no way is she actually asking me this. When we started talking through text i began to learn more about you and i fell more and more in love with you every second we talked. Frankly i was planning to ask you out like way before i did, but i had to know if you were okay having a long distance relationship and if you were in love with me or if you loved me at all. (my first name) you mean the world to me and im so happy that i met you because you make me smile everyday even though i seem mad a lot im usually smile even when im mad because i cant help but smile when im talking to the girl i love the most im the world❤️ Tu es mon monde. Personne ne peut jamais être aussi incroyable et je t'aime tellement pour ça❤️🔒(You are my world. No one can ever be this amazing and i love you so much for that)
Canadian Babe❤ 11:20 PM
its not as long as yours but its the best i can do with my french brain

6/1/18 7:49pm

No, don't tell me I'm lying.
I promised I was better.
I promised I changed.
Don't tell me I'm going back to my old self,
don't tell me I'm going back to what I used to do that wasn't good for me.
Don't tell me I'm lying.
I promised I was better.
I promised I changed!!!
I thought I was okay...
Am I not?
Thank you for being ok, at least in the slightest
~Where did things go wrong?~
~it's fine, i'm not expecting you to do anything, you don't need to. i just needed to say something. Sucks to see a friend drown and not know why~
"Istg if you're messing with me"
"i'm not, but we can pretend like i am"
"no, our friendship and your life isn't a joke to me, so i'm not going to pretend."

please, let it be a joke.
If it is, i'd be relieved,
but also terrified asf.
I can't handle something like this.
You have no idea how much you mean to me.
4/29-30/18 x 5/31-6/1/18        6.1.18

I had another breakdown at 12:22am 6/1/18
but it wasn't because of him,
it was because of you.
I know i was playfully mad at you,
or even jealous,
just for leaving me.
But i'll never forgive myself if you actually leave.
It's 10:55am, same day and i still have the tear stains from 8 to 10 hours ago.
They're being covered and more are joining right now..

Heck, friends or not,
I love you. 
Don't go...
Please fight,
fight for her, 
fight for me,
fight for yourself,
fight for anyone,
fight for your life,

You don't deserve this. 
No one deserves that.
We only knew each other for a month,
but so much has happened.
We were able to trust each other.
I trusted you with everything i said.
I trusted you to tell me anything and everything.
Telling me when you say you're good but you're actually not...
That hit.
That hit hard.
How could i not know better?

Telling me that i may not see you again,
i wish our last conversation wasn't that! 
God, don't let that be the last time we conversate!!!!
to me at least...

"You're an amazing girl (name), don't let any d*ck tell you otherwise, ok?"
"i know better than to listen to them"
I couldn't delete that conversation...
I won't ever forget you...
Please stay..
Do you know how hard it is to type all of these without being able to see the keyboard clearly?
Thank you for being my best friend, you'll always be my best friend.
I'll always love you.

Please don't let that time be the last time we conversate.
(He spammed me by saying my name but i rather not reveal it)
(I did the same to him and after that, i said this)

 me 8:04 PM
 hahaha i just read a joke and hsjshsjs i wanna tell you it cuz its cheesy and funny to me at least cuz im short and it kinda makes sense hehe
me 8:04 PM
 imma tell you it anyways
me 8:05 PM
 as i was saying , if a short person were to wave at you, it's called microwave c(:
me 8:05 PM
 i laugh at the dumbest stuff okay
me 8:05 PM
me 8:06 PM
 hjdhsjhjs okay im done 😂😂😂
(He seemed to have only gotten my spam where i was saying his name)

Canadian Boy❤ 8:15 PM

Canadian Boy❤ 8:25 PM
(my name)

me 9:05 PM
me 9:05 PM
Canadian Boy❤ 9:05 PM

me 9:06 PM
 i ate and did dishes hello
me 9:06 PM
 you didnt get the cringey texts???
Canadian Boy❤ 9:06 PM
mhm i realized that

me 9:06 PM
Canadian Boy❤ 9:06 PM
what cringy texts?

me 9:06 PM
 nothing hehe 😅
Canadian Boy❤ 9:06 PM
~Awkward moment:~When he thinks you're tryna play 21 questions but all you know is to ask questions to keep conversation and then he points it out... ~Him: yo is you tryna play a game or sum?? ~Me: of basketball? (he was playing basketball earlier) ~Him: no i just came in i mean t or d or 21 questions. ~Me: oh i was aboutta say "nah i suck" lmao and honestly, just tryna keep conversation, but yknow, i cant people to people so its kinda hard peopleling. ~Him: what. ~Me: i suck at texting ok. ~Him: lmao.
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