Clever Quotes

Girlfriend.....Girl friend

The difference between "Girlfriend" and "Girl Friend" is that little space in between we call the "Friend Zone".

I have more conversations in my head
than I do in real life

A good lie is a one that you can convincingly tell over and over again.

It's re-lie-able.
I'm the ugly sister.
I'm the horrible daughter.
I'm not even the second choice.
I'm the 'left-over.'
I'm not the clever one.
I'm not the skinny one.
I'm the talentless one.
I'm the "why are you even here?"

I'm just not good enough.
I put the thingamabob inside the whatchamacallit, turned the doohickey and the wuteveritis still doesn't work! Any Idea's?
Oh, so you're gonna make your profile complicated so I can't unfollow you?
Clever. Very clever.
"In math we learn 
that you cannot bound Infinity, only touch it.  

Be happy. It drives people crazy. ;)
Go three days without your favorite thing.

Then go three days without sleep.

It turns out that sleep is your favorite thing.
Me: Mom you want any help?
Mom: No sweetie..
*5 minutes later*

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