Dontdoit Quotes

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I'm trying,
I'm trying to sleep,
But I can't,
But  I can't when you all have

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Image is from tumblr, original photographer unknown.
Lesson learned for the day = don't jump off a roof into a pile of snow.
Just don't do it. ever.

L ♥♥ O ♥♥ V ♥♥E
is like a sailor
sailing to another island,
without any direction.

You could make it safe,
or you could get seriously hurt

Has Everyone forgotten about the Girl Code?
You dont go out with your best friends ex
without seeing if they are okay with it!
That's when he stood up, wiped his tears, walked over to his desk
and got
a pen and a notepad
just couldn't see it getting any better
So on a cold dark night in December, Steven knew exactly what he had to do
But fi
rst he sat down and wrote a couple letters
to his step-dad, one to his mother,
couple to the kids at
school, one to his brother
Bringing them the pain that they once brought him
tear dr
ops on the paper one after another
Yeah, I hope that you all feel guilty.
ause I'm broken now and you can't heal me
And now you're all an accomplice in murder
ach and every one of you has chipped in to kill me
So the re
ason that I'm writing you this evening,
is to say goodbye and to tell you that I'm leaving
But don't hold your breath
use I ain't never coming back
Sincerely yours, Steve
Do me a favor. Put down that razor blade. Put down those pills. Put down that bottle of bleach. Put away that rope. Put away that gun. Put away that knife. Move away from the train tracks. Get out from the middle of the street. Listen to me. You're beautiful. You're worth it. I love you. Please don't end your life. Please don't ruin your beautiful skin. Please stay, for me? I care even if we don't talk. I just want you to know I care.
if you everwant to kill yourself
Please think twice. Think about all the people that would love to be in your position, all the people who are battling cancer or another illness. Think about how life is so precious. It is a gift to be born with an incredible body that functions in so many complex ways and a brain that computes, experiences, and does amazing things! You are a gift to the world, your life has meaning. You affect the people around you and while they help you grow, you help them grow as well. You are important, you wouldn't be here if you weren't. And if anyone else tells you different they are LYING. Don't let people and their words and actions control how you live. Don't let people get you so down and self loathing that you are willing to take your own life. For what? To please them? Well guess what? They probably didn't know what their words were doing, and by killing yourself, you are not only ruining your life, but your famiy and friends and even your enemies lives. So please, know that you are important, you are a gift to the world, you are an amazing creation and you deserve to be here as much as anybody.Taking your own life does nothing but cause pain.
if you everwant to kill yourself
Please think twice. Think about all the people that would love to be in your position, all the people who are battling cancer or another illness. Think about how life is so precious. It is a gift to be born with an incredible body that functions in so many complex ways and a brain that computes, experiences, and does amazing things! You are a gift to the world, your life has meaning. You affect the people around you and while they help you grow, you help them grow as well. You are important, you wouldn't be here if you weren't. And if anyone else tells you different they are LYING. Don't let people and their words and actions control how you live. Don't let people get you so down and self loathing that you are willing to take your own life. For what? To please them? Well guess what? They probably didn't know what their words were doing, and by killing yourself, you are not only ruining your life, but your famiy and friends and even your enemies lives. So please, know that you are important, you are a gift to the world, you are an amazing creation and you deserve to be here as much as anybody.Taking your own life does nothing but cause pain.
It's like, I find it so hard to trust people
but then I'm like "Maybe they're not so bad?" and decide to trust them but
they always hurt me and then I'm like, "This is why I don't trust people"
and I'm just so stupid and I hate myself sometimes
Hush little baby,
don't you cry.
Don't cut your arms,
Don't say good bye.
Put down that razor,
Put down that light.
It might be hard,
but you'll win this fight.

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