Holy Quotes

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Nothing makes me angerier than when my friends say "my babe" Just say their name!!!! "Me and babe are going to eat." Good for you but you don't need to call him babe to me. 
format-br0kenwings LEAVE THIS HERE PLEASE.

Youre THe HeaLInG  HanDs
wHere IT useD To HurT,
you're my kind of church.
You'Re HoLY.
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you're the healing hands where it used thurt
                                                           you're my saving grace, you're my kind of church  <<<


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You're just

a Poor

Unfortunate Soul.


you've got it all,
you've got it all


You're just
a Ghost
at most,
A set
of Empty
Searching for
Anything and
Everything to
make You
feel Whole.


Holidays tend
to make
me feel

Whole again.

Rainy Days
make me
feel like
the dream
is Dead.

-State Champs
"Elevated"|The Finer Things

Because we all have a right to our own opinion:
The belief in "god" seems to be ubiquitous through the ages."
So There Was This Spider On My Bed,
I Started Screaming,
Lillie Grabbed A Book and Started Hitting It,
Lucky That Book Was A Bible,
The Spider Dies Holy
An Honest Spider, He Died Too Young :
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