Hope Quotes

My husband will say it's my fault. 
He's not wrong, he's never wrong.
I'm finally done straying. 
I promise. 
I also realized how long it took for us to get 
this lucky? 
I hope it stays like this. 


hope is the thing with feathers 
that perches in the soul
and sings the tune without the words
and never stops at all

I want to go to the place
Where I can escape
my failures and mistakes

I want to go to the place
Where I can leave all
the hate behind and
find joy and happiness instead

I want to go to the place 
Where I can be free
And be whatever I want

I want to go to my

i promise you

it'll all make sense again
It's so easy to write about the pain
It's so easy to let the negativity in
It's so easy to rely on the bad
and forget the positivity that is there
You're alive
You're breathing
And against all the odds you thought was
You're happy
It's time to focus on the positive
Time to focus on the good in life
It's time for a change

these hands had to let it go free
and this love came back to me

how slow life is,
how violent hope is.

sometimes you dont care that there is a light at the end of the tunnel...you are just tired of being in the tunnel.
May your hopes never be dashed, but rather comma-delimited.
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