Best Hurt Quotes This Year

I used to think that love made everything better but then i found out it made people jump off bridges and swallow some pills. Some people would rather die over living with a broken heart.

You were unsure of which pain was worse: the shock of what happened, or the ache for what never will.


W  O  R  D  S


It hurts having to let go of someone you truly care about.
It hurts even more when you realize they never cared about you

she was the kind of 
pretty that you didn't 
really notice at first
but once you saw her
in the middle of the night
with messy hair and tired
eyes and tears dancing across
her cheeks and dripping
onto her mouth you
would want nothing more
than to kiss them away

"And please don't feel bad if one day,
you wake up and find out i didn't"

Truth hurts,
but lies

& all of the sudden
in pure happiness
you cross my mind
i miss you..


when she looks at herself, she doesn't see what you see.


Just close your eyes,
the sun is going down
You'll be alright,
hurt you now

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