Loving someone with depression is hard.
No matter the day you're having you must smile and wear
your brave face because all it takes is one
moment of weakness to set them back. Forget about
birthday's, anniversaries, or celebrations because
something bigger, darker is filling their soul. Kind gestures
go unnoticed because they are already carrying the world. And
now it's your job to take hold of that world and carry it
like it's nothing and you'll shove every ounce of
emotion, good and bad, that you bare so deep into your soul,
it will only come out through silent tears in the lonliest
kind of darkness. You'll tiptoe on eggshells. And when
you slip, because you will, the horrible names
won't stop. And when that fist makes the insufferable
connection you'll crumble. But if a single tear falls or
yelp cries out in desperation it will set it all back. So you
must take a deep breath and wear your bravest