Best Love Quotes This Year

why am i always the one comforting you? if you told me you were in a slump i’d try to cheer you up. that’s what i do. you say i’m one of your favourite people. but you can’t even see through me. i can’t let myself love you anymore. you’re texting me now about other things. i just want to talk about my feelings. you say you’re my safe space but sometimes i can’t feel it. i’m really disappointed in you. you say were similar but sometimes i feel like i’m too much for you. you love that i empathise with you and care deeply but these deep feelings need a place to go too. i missed you and told you how i felt. you said you felt that way too. i really wanted you to ask me how i am. sometimes you’re amazing. sometimes you hurt me without knowing it. i’m really sensitive we’ve been over this. just wish you would drop everything for me like i try to do for you. cause right now i feel silly sad and used.


I believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales.





© format by jannette
“By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right,
he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong.”
— Charles Wadsworth
format-br0kenwings LEAVE THIS HERE PLEASE.


"You’re only given one little spark of madness.
                         You mustn’t lose it."

ROBIN WILLIAMS [JULY 29th 1951 - AUGUST 11th 2014]

© format coded by: br0kenwings
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IMAGE SOURCE:, original photographer unknown
Good night,
Sleep tight,
Wake up bright
In the morning light
To do what's right
With all your might.

there is a woman in china holding a
black umbrella so she
won't tast the salt of the rain when
the sky begins to weep

there is a 17 year old girl who smells
like pomegranates and has summer air
tight on her naked skin, wrapping
around her scars
like veins in a bloody garden, who
won't make it past tomorrow

there is a young man, who buys yellow
flowers for the woman
in apartment 84b, who learned braille
when he realized she
couldn't read his poetry about her
white neck and mint eyes

there are people watching films,
making love for the first time,
opening mail with the
heading of 'i miss you', cooking
noodles with
organic spices aand red sauces, buying
lemon detergent,
ignoring 'do not smoke' signs,
painting murals
of his lips in abandoned warehouses,
the words 'i love you' over and over
again, swallowing
phone numbers and forgotten
birthdays, eating
strawberry pies, drinking white wine
off of each
others open mouths, ignoring the
reading this poem

someone is thinking
i'm alone
someone finally understands
they never really

(( poems from my uncles graves ))

i wish that i could wake up with amnesia
and forget about the stupid little things
like the way it felt to fall asleep next to yo


Letting go of someone you love is like letting go of a balloon. You know there are millions of other balloons... but yours is gone. And you might see it again some day, miles and miles from where you set it free, but it's never the same.

Gif taken by Zorox

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